
NEW Report Claims DNC Will Formalize Biden Nomination This Month to Quash Replacement Talk

There’s yet another twist in the Democrat party’s ongoing struggle to cope in the aftermath of Joe Biden’s horrible performance in last week’s presidential debate, in which it became painfully obvious that the president isn’t up to the task of governing in any way, or even campaigning.


Bloomberg reported Monday afternoon that, according to sources within the DNC, that body is considering moving up the formal nomination about a month to quash the chatter about replacing him on the ballot:

The Democratic National Committee is considering formally nominating Joe Biden as early as mid-July to ensure that the president is on November ballots, while helping to stamp out intra-party chatter of replacing him after last week’s poor debate performance.

A potential date for Biden’s nomination is July 21, when the Democratic convention’s credentials committee meets virtually, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity. The panel is meeting to finalize procedures before the party’s convention in Chicago starts on Aug. 19.

Democrats are “in a state of crisis” over the nomination and their inability to continue to conceal Joe Biden’s cognitive deficits from the American people, and even reliable mockingbird publications like the New York Times are calling for Biden to step aside or be replaced.

According to Bloomberg, the Convention Rules Committee now has jurisdiction over the issue and not the Rules and Bylaws Committee:


The DNC already altered its rules to allow a change to convention dates and voting procedures, including a possible roll-call vote “before the delegates have convened in-person in Chicago.”

That change came from the Rules and Bylaws Committee, which has now ceded jurisdiction to a separate Convention Rules Committee. That committee meets July 19, giving it a chance to formalize the procedures for a virtual vote, said Rules and Bylaws Committee Co-Chair Jim Roosevelt Jr.

The DNC convention’s platform committee meets on July 16, the Rules Committee on July 19 and the Credentials Committee on July 21. The meetings will be virtual and viewable for the public on the party’s YouTube channel.

While this compressed timeline would help DNC officials concerned about infighting, power struggles, and that the uncertainty will dry up fundraising efforts, it also gives DNC officials more time to replace Biden after the nomination is finalized. As we reported last week, there is a provision in the DNC’s 2024 Call for Convention allowing the DNC to fill any vacancy of the nominee for President or Vice President after the convention is adjourned, and that vacancy can be due to “disability,” but one wrinkle in that potential plan is that the DNC’s current convention timeline is after the ballot deadline in some states. If Biden is the formal nominee after the July 21 meeting, he could be replaced due to “disability” and the party could still get a new name on the ballot, but the fact that the Chicago convention wouldn’t have been convened by that point complicates that potential plan.


READ MORE: Yes, Democrats Can Replace Biden – With Newsom or Anyone They Want. Here’s How.

If all of this seems convoluted and circular, it is. The only constant is that Democrat leaders will twist and modify any rule necessary in order to achieve whatever their current objective is. Stay tuned, and stay frosty.



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