
Man Who Murdered Jewish Protester a Pro-Hamas Professor

  • November 9, 2023

On Monday Paul Kessler, a pro-Israel protester, was struck in the mouth with a megaphone, fell to the ground, and eventually died. He was waving an Israeli flag when a pro-Palestinian protester crossed the street, confronted him, and eventually struck him. It turns out that the man who did it was a computer science professor […]


Illegal Alien Arrested for Rape, Abduction for Third Time

  • November 9, 2023

In case you weren’t already feeling frustrated enough with the ongoing Biden border crisis, this story will likely set your blood to boiling. This week, ICE managed to arrest an illegal immigrant from Honduras in Virginia. He was charged with felony rape by force, threat, or intimidation, abduction by force, and assault on a family […]

AP, CNN, NY Times, Reuters Respond to Accusations They Knew of Hamas Attack

  • November 9, 2023

On Thursday, the Associated Press, CNN, the New York Times, and Reuters all responded to allegations from media advocacy group HonestReporting that their freelance photojournalists in Gaza were embedded with Hamas terrorists for the October 7 attack and may have had foreknowledge of the attack. Their reactions ranged from cutting ties with the photojournalists in […]


Now Playing: Hamas Supporters At LA Screening of Hamas Atrocities Act All Hamas-y

  • November 9, 2023

There’s nothing like having real life imitate what’s playing on the silver screen. The problem with the knuckle-dragging, medieval terrorist mind set is that, being emotionally vice intellectually driven, they are incapable of realizing it can be a bad thing for their supposed “victimhood” claims. Advertisement The aptly named Museum of Tolerance in Los Angeles, […]