The 2012 Trap in Biden’s Budget
The current debt-ceiling fight could lure Republicans onto unfavorable ground on fiscal matters, setting Democrats up well for 2024.
The current debt-ceiling fight could lure Republicans onto unfavorable ground on fiscal matters, setting Democrats up well for 2024.
Everything is racist. Yesterday I wrote about how white people being overweight is racist because being fat and beautiful is a Black thing. Today I give you the L.A. Times’ take: driving your car is racist, at least if you live in L.A. Not that everybody driving a car is polluting the air. White people […]
And should it be saved? Plenty of voices, especially on the populist Right, want it completely defunded from government sources, particularly on the federal level. A subset of those want it shut down or at least seriously marginalized as a hopelessly corrupt system of radical indoctrination, or worse. What if competition could save Academia? A new […]
By that I mean, once we shuffle off his immoral coils – God willing – can we get the boom times back? From everything I’m reading and hearing, man. It doesn’t look good for the home team. Alaska prepares for Biden to deny Willow project: This is ‘the end of oil in America’Alaska Gov. Mike […]
And then there were 31. Ghassan Abdullah al-Sharbi, a 48-year-old Saudi engineer, was held in Guantánamo Bay for more than 20 years. He was suspected of having made bombs for Al Qaeda but was never brought to trial. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin authorized the transfer of al-Sharbi in September but it was delayed for reasons […]
“I don’t quite understand what Substack is,” mutters Rep. Sylvia Garcia (D-TX) at one point, which underscores the idiocy you are about to watch. The House Weaponization Subcommittee decided to call Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger to discuss their publication of the Twitter Files, which apparently was so great a threat to democracy (according to […]
The decision is a victory for Florida governor Ron DeSantis and the state’s attorney general, who brought the case.
Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger testified before congress today on the topic of the Twitter Files. Ed has a post coming up later about some of the drama that happened during the hearing as Democrats went on the attack. I wanted to focus on the purpose of Taibbi’s testimony as well as the latest installment […]
People do not check into psychiatric facilities on a whim. It is a last resort, usually done by people facing the choice between death and treatment. I know this from personal experience because there is a history of mental illness in my family, including time spent in such facilities. As often as not voluntary admission […]