
Sunday Smiles

  • November 21, 2022

Sunday, a day for reflections on God, family, and the meaning of life. And, of course, a day to enjoy football and laugh at your fellow man. Ed does the former, I do the latter. In the spirit of this second Sunday tradition, I give you this weeks memes, tweets, and a humor. Enjoy. German […]


Looking back at Canada’s plan to tax the unvaccinated

  • November 21, 2022

Back in January of this year, the Canadian province of Quebec announced a plan to impose a tax on the unvaccinated. Officials there claimed that most of the impacts on the healthcare system were being caused by unvaccinated people and that the vaccinated should not be made to shoulder the costs. The following month, after […]


Al Sharpton still raking it in and lining his pockets

  • November 21, 2022

Today’s story is actually a follow-up to a cozy/corrupt news item that we covered way back in December of 2018. At that time, Reverend Al Sharpton announced that he was “retiring” from his racially divisive organization, the National Action Network. But as with nearly everything else NAN had been involved with, there was an obvious […]


Ohio J6 man gets three years after stealing a coat rack

  • November 21, 2022

The latest in our ongoing series covering January 6 rioters who have been arrested, convicted and sentenced deals with Dustin Thompson of Ohio, who faced the music yesterday. Like many others that we’ve covered here, Thompson was not among the front ranks of rioters who broke down windows and doors, damaging Capitol property. Nor did […]


Georgia judge hands Warnock, Georgia Democrats a victory on early voting rules

  • November 21, 2022

Fulton County Judge Thomas A. Cox handed a legal victory to Georgia Democrats and Raphael Warnock’s campaign on Friday. The Georgia Secretary of State cannot prohibit counties from voting on the Saturday after Thanksgiving as is currently stated in Georgia election law. The Democrat Party of Georgia sued Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger’s office to […]


Why is Hunter Biden’s daughter living at the White House?

  • November 21, 2022

There is a wedding taking place at the White House today and it involves Joe Biden’s granddaughter (and Hunter Biden’s oldest legitimate child) Naomi. There’s nothing really all that unusual about this event. White House weddings are in high demand and when one member of the couple is a blood relative of the President, well… […]


Judge boots Psaki’s attempt to dodge subpoena

  • November 21, 2022

With the GOP taking over the House soon, hearings are already being lined up on a variety of subjects that nobody in the Biden administration would touch with a ten-meter cattle prod during Joe’s first two years in office. Chief among these are questions about the White House allegedly conspiring with the major social media […]