Noah Tees Up Obama to Blame Fox for State of Political Discourse

  • November 21, 2022

Former President Barack Obama swung by The Daily Show with Trevor Noah on Comedy Central on Wednesday to promote his foundation’s “Democracy Forum.” With the state of democracy being the prime focus of the conversation, Noah asked why the state of political discourse is so bad. Proving that some things never change, Obama blamed Fox […]

The Secondhand Censorship Effect: Big Tech Kept Info from People 251M Times Q1-Q3

  • November 21, 2022

As the 2022 midterm elections approached, social media platforms aggressively championed political ideas benefiting left-wing candidates while silencing dissenting opinions that don’t fit the liberal worldview in the third quarter. During the first three quarters of 2022, MRC Free Speech America counted a total of 435 individual censorship cases that translated to no fewer than […]

After Midterms, WashPost Finds Trump Took Classified Documents for Ego, Not Profit

  • November 21, 2022

A week after the midterm elections, The Washington Post reported something that didn’t please their Trump-hating subscribers. It turns out leftists were wrong to imply Donald Trump took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago to sell to our enemies. The story by Devlin Barrett and Josh Dawsey was headlined, “Investigators see ego, not money, as Trump’s motive on classified […]

Column: The Most Worshipful Michelle Obama Review Ever?

  • November 21, 2022

Ben Shapiro was blunt on Twitter. He had discovered “The most sycophantic book review ever written.” The book was the second tome from multi-millionaire author and advice guru Michelle Obama. The review appeared in The New York Times, from the paper’s “Help Desk” columnist Judith Newman. She’s “the help,” all right. Ed Morrissey tweeted back […]

ABC, CBS GUSH Over ‘Historic’ Speaker Pelosi Who Fought With Trump

  • November 21, 2022

With the news Thursday that Speaker Nancy Pelosi will be stepping down from Democratic House leadership, ABC’s World News Tonight and CBS Evening News spent time gushing over Pelosi’s “historic” tenure as speaker of the House and highlighted her publicized fights with former President Trump and her infamous temper tantrum after his 2020 State of […]

UN Climate Summit Wants Climate Green Indoctrination in Schools

  • November 21, 2022

Start ‘em young I guess. The left is after our kids in more ways than you may think. Their latest idea is to indoctrinate kids and turn them into them into little climate activists.  Government officials, world leaders, and other climate alarmists congregated in Egypt for the United Nations climate change summit.  According to The New […]

The FTX Dog That Didn’t Bark

  • November 21, 2022

In Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s famous Sherlock Holmes tale, “Silver Blaze”, the detective investigates the case of a murder of a horse trainer. At first, investigators presume that the murderer of the trainer must have been a stranger to him. But Holmes cracks the case with the revelation that a watchdog remained silent the night […]

Morning Joe Gloats Over Megadonors Ditching ‘Loser’ Trump… Like They Did

  • November 21, 2022

Morning Joe had a grand old time today in passing along reports that several of Donald Trump’s previous megadonors have announced that they won’t donate to Trump’s 2024 campaign.  Mika Brzezinski took especial glee in quoting one such megadonor having told the New York Post, “I wouldn’t give him a f—ing nickel.”  The opening segment […]