
McCarthy Drops a Delicious Reality Check on Swalwell and Schiff

  • November 21, 2022

It sounds like House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is trying to appeal to the base with his first moves. As we reported earlier, McCarthy said that if he became the Speaker he would remove Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) from the House Foreign Affairs Committee. But according to McCarthy, that isn’t the only person he […]


Polling Contradicts Negative Nancy Narrative on the GOP House

  • November 21, 2022

One of the biggest oddities of the last election wasn’t that the polling was way off, leading to a surprise Republican victory. Instead, it was that the polling was largely correct, leading to a surprise Republican disappointment. Contrary to the impression most have of how the last mid-terms went, something of a red wave did […]


CBS ‘Left’ Twitter to Virtue Signal; Now They’ve Truly Beclowned Themselves by Returning

  • November 21, 2022

We reported on CBS’s announcement on Friday that they would be “pausing” their stations’ activity on Twitter because of the “uncertainty” on the platform. The only “uncertainty” was from leftists flipping out about free speech and melting down about Twitter firing people. But out of an “abundance of caution,” CBS said they were stopping posting […]


A Shooting in a Colorado LGBT Club Leaves 5 Dead and 18 Injured, but It Gives Progressives the Chance to Say ‘Stochastic Terrorism’

  • November 21, 2022

A man opened fire in Club Q, a self-described LGBTQ club, in Colorado Springs, CO, late Saturday night. Five people were killed. At least 18 people were injured by gunshots or in the stampede to escape. The shooter was 22-year-old Anderson Lee Aldrich. Aldrich was overpowered by customers and held until police arrived. According to […]