
Feminist Scholar Says Children Should Be ‘Raised by Society as a Whole’ in ‘Abolish the Family’ Speech at Major University

  • November 22, 2022

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, when parents and their children across America will gather, often with other family members, and hopefully for joyous times, I couldn’t let the following insanity pass by. As observers of the far-left are well aware, these people continue their insidious efforts, one bite at a time, to destroy […]


Biden’s latest effort to solve the border crisis: Escorting migrants across the border

  • November 22, 2022

According to the Center for Immigration Studies America and Mexico are cooperating on a new process for dealing with migrants, one which DHS hasn’t publicized. In September, American officials asked Mexican officials to help them bring down the number of border crossings by pre-arranging humanitarian parole for hundreds of people a day and then driving […]


Is criticizing groomers sparking violence?

  • November 21, 2022

People on the Left are accusing conservatives of inciting violence by attacking gender activists. Criticisms of “drag queen story hours,” teachers who recruit children to secret communities for gay and transgender students, librarians for putting pornography aimed at children in school libraries abound. I and others point out the obvious: what they are doing is […]

How Not to Stop Trump

  • November 21, 2022

If Republican leaders make the foolhardy decision to run the 2016 strategy again, it will play right into the former president’s hands.


Arizona AG: Maricopa County Officials’ Statements ‘Appear to Confirm Potential Statutory Violations’

  • November 21, 2022

On election day, we all heard about the problems that were going on in Arizona including malfunctioning vote tabulation machines, and it turns out that the problems were much more involved than we were led to believe. The Arizona Attorney General’s office has issued a letter demanding a detailed report from Maricopa County over problems […]


COP27 reporting emotes like a romance novel and didja notice no one mentioned fires in the West

  • November 21, 2022

Wow. Reuters is playing this last session of the U.N.’s Conference of the Parties (COP27) Climate Change Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt for all it’s worth, drama-wise. I can’t tell if the reporters originally started out writing bodice rippers for Harlequin…or wants to be hired by them. Negotiations, wheeling and dealing to save the Earth […]