
A Crippling Railroad Strike Is Looming, Just in Time for the Holidays

  • November 22, 2022

It looks like the trains may stop running on time for Christmas. On Monday, the SMART Transportation Division (SMART-TD), the largest railroad union in the country, narrowly voted down a contract offered by the White House. That means the possibility of a strike just in time for the holiday season. ABC News: The SMART Transportation […]

An American Back from Abroad

  • November 22, 2022

At 10,000 feet, you can’t see the poop piles in San Francisco, and it almost looks liveable. Yes, I’m finally back, not exactly tanned, rested, and ready, because jet lag, a run-in last night with an exceptionally moronic TSA crew at San Francisco (where for some mindless reason you have to clear security again before […]

FIREWORKS: KJP Blows a Gasket When Daily Caller Reporter Tries to Question Fauci

  • November 22, 2022

Between the run-up to the midterms and President Biden’s lengthy foreign trip, White House briefings have been few and far between. But there was one Tuesday and it devolved into a near riot with Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre repeatedly excoriating Daily Caller’s Diana Glebova and her defenders when she tried to shout questions to Dr. […]

‘Dereliction Of Duty’: McCarthy Threatens DHS Chief With Investigations, Potential Impeachment If He Doesn’t Resign | The Daily Wire

  • November 22, 2022

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said Tuesday that the incoming GOP House majority will investigate and potentially impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the U.S. southern border. McCarthy made the pledge in a press conference after leading a contingent of Republican House members in a visit to the U.S. southern border […]


Left-Leaning Dollars Bankroll Projects to Get Out Youth Vote

  • November 22, 2022

Mostly left-leaning donors bankrolled efforts in 2022 to turn out the youth vote, which early estimates show was the second-highest such turnout for a midterm election in the past three decades.  The investment in voting by younger Americans, which included money from organizations tied to Arabella Advisors, leftist financier George Soros, and eBay founder Pierre […]