
As the Dark Brandon signal beams into the night sky, Biden readies for battle

  • November 22, 2022

Politico is calling it the “Dark Brandon mythology” this morning – what a hoot. The Dark Brandon mythology may only be just beginning. With Republicans narrowly taking control of the House, and Donald Trump announcing another presidential bid, President Joe Biden and aides are moving with speed to counter an anticipated barrage of right-wing attacks. […]


White House Flips out When Reporters Try to Ask Fauci About Origins of COVID

  • November 22, 2022

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has never been particularly good at her job. But it seems like it’s getting worse of late. We reported previously that she was flailing desperately when she was asked about Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Then on Tuesday, she lost it on reporters during the press […]

The Daily Chart: Off to the Races

  • November 22, 2022

We’ve previously displayed the soaring trend lines for mentions of racism and its correlates (“white supremacy,” etc) before, but as usual it appears the media took its cues from academia and the book world:

TD Bank Quietly Donated $500,000 To ‘Gender Affirming’ Procedures For Minors | The Daily Wire

  • November 22, 2022

Canadian financial corporation TD Bank quietly donated half a million dollars to a program earlier this year that conducts so-called “gender-affirming” irreversible procedures on minors. According to a May 2022 newsletter, the financial institution funded $500,000 through Canada’s Children’s Hospital Foundations to support “gender transitions” through the McMaster Pediatric Gender Diversity Program, which provides medical […]