
Ungrateful Ukraine now getting “nervous” about Elon Musk

  • November 22, 2022

The post-election news has been filled with plenty of stories about liberal angst over Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter as well as updates about the deteriorating situation in Ukraine. But I’ll confess that I didn’t foresee the two topics converging in the fashion they have in this recent report from Government Executive. According to a […]


Thought for the Day: The New ‘New Right’

  • November 22, 2022

For all of my life it seems there has always been a “new right” in view. “New right” has been used since the 1950s at least, and the “new right” of the 1970s looks distinctly old today. The new “new right” today is, as frequently mentioned here, “national conservatism.” Hence worth taking in the summary […]


Kanye West (Ye) for President Isn’t the Stupidest Idea for GOP

  • November 22, 2022

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of The artist formerly known as Kanye West, now Ye, continues to signal a run for the presidency in 2024. I’m interested in hearing his platform, while acknowledging he’s not ideal for nomination and has personality flaws. The GOP […]


McCarthy Calls for DHS Secretary Mayorkas to Resign; ‘Our Country May Never Recover From His Dereliction of Duty’

  • November 22, 2022

Early Tuesday House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who’s seeking to again become Speaker of the House in the next Congress, announced that he would have a “major announcement” regarding DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas at an afternoon press conference in El Paso, Texas. As many speculated, McCarthy’s announcement had to do with Mayorkas’ continuing service. McCarthy […]


Kamala’s deep thoughts from the Philippines are just so Kamala

  • November 22, 2022

Kamala Harris is on a three-day trip to Malaysia. In Manila, Philippines, she was hosted by Ambassador Marykay Carlson in a conversation with the ambassador and young women. At one point, Kamala offered her thoughts on life. Deep thoughts? Well, not really, but consider the source. As she took the last question from the audience, […]