
Is gay marriage really the hill the GOP wants to die on in 2023?

  • November 23, 2022

I’m having some serious flashbacks this week as I read about the renewed debate over the Respect for Marriage Act. The bill would, among other things, repeal the 1996 Defense of Marriage Act and do other things to essentially codify and enforce the legality of gay marriage at the federal level. The “among other things” […]


Biden’s Not So Subtle Lurch Toward Dictatorship

  • November 23, 2022

In the wake of the midterm elections, President Joe Biden was asked during a rare press conference—in reference to Twitter’s new owner—whether he thought Elon Musk was a threat to national security. With a pause and a smirk, the president said that topic was “worthy of being looked at.” With those words, Biden made it […]


They lie to you without remorse

  • November 22, 2022

With Anthony Fauci’s departure from the government imminent, there has been a lot of praise for both Fauci and the public health establishment. Most of it self-congratulation, because that is how those at the top of the public health establishment pyramid roll. But there has been plenty of eulogizing Fauci by all factions within the […]


The Border Crisis Is Inexcusable—Mayorkas Should Resign Now

  • November 22, 2022

(The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of As House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is preparing for the Republicans to take back the House, he announced Tuesday that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas should either resign or face potential impeachment. It’s the right call. “Our country may […]


Kicking the student loan can down the road, again

  • November 22, 2022

Breaking this afternoon, the Biden administration has booted the start date for resuming payment of student loans almost into early summer. The Biden administration on Tuesday announced that it will extend the payment pause on federal student loans until June 30 while its debt forgiveness plan remains blocked by federal courts. Federal student loan bills […]