
KJP’s Silly Word Salad in Defense of Student Loan Handout Makes Kamala Harris Look Like a Piker

  • November 23, 2022

White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Tuesday put on a dazzling display of dimwitted disingenuousness in a desperate attempt to defend the indefensible: Joe Biden’s student loan handout. As reporters peppered KJP with questions about Biden’s politically expedient, ill-fated, student loan wealth-redistribution scheme, she reached down deep and came up with a beauty to […]

Body Of 20-Year-Old Female Student Found In New Hampshire Mountains On Her Birthday | The Daily Wire

  • November 23, 2022

New Hampshire authorities found the body of a 20-year-old female who had been reported missing after disappearing during a mountain hike in zero-degree temperatures last weekend. Emily Sotelo, a sophomore biochemistry and chemical biology major at Tennessee’s Vanderbilt University, returned home to visit family for Thanksgiving break in Westford, Massachusetts. New Hampshire Fish and Game […]


AI not all it’s cracked up to be…yet

  • November 23, 2022

Artificial intelligence has so much promise, and delivers…mixed results. So far, at least, that is the nature of the (non)beast. Trotting out AI that attempts to duplicate or surpass human intelligence have been terrible failures, and Meta just rolled out–and then retracted almost immediately–their latest experiment to use the technology to improve on human abilities. […]


Watch: KJP loses it when Fauci is questioned over virus origin

  • November 23, 2022

As Dr. Anthony Fauci prepares to sail off into retirement from his job as the highest-paid person in the United States government, he took time out for one last round of questions and answers in the White House briefing room yesterday. Still acting as the Mistress of Ceremonies, Karine Jean-Pierre (pronounced with a heavy French […]