On Second Thought, Chris Licht Wants CNN To Stay Librul!

  • November 25, 2022

When Chris Licht took over as CNN CEO, there was much talk that he and David Zaslav, CEO of CNN’s parent corp Warner Bros Discovery, wanted to bring the network back toward the center, and away from its hard-left tilt under former CNN CEO Jeff Zucker. There were some promising early signs in that direction, […]


Donald Trump Responds to Nick Fuentes Controversy

  • November 25, 2022

Former President Donald Trump came under fire recently after it was confirmed that he had dinner with rapper Kanye West and Nick Fuentes, a prominent white nationalist. The news elicited speculation about the matter, with people questioning whether it happened in the first place, and wondering what Trump knew and didn’t know about Fuentes. One […]

The Daily Chart: Partisan Industries

  • November 25, 2022

This breakdown of how members of the two political parties regard individual industries is revealing of how deep our ideological divisions run. Some areas of division are not surprising (media, higher education, entertainment, oil & gas), but. . . trucking? Manufacturing? (Also, somewhat curious that Democrats are only half as negative about tobacco as Republicans. […]


GOP Senator Supports Vital Amendments to Respect for Marriage Act

  • November 25, 2022

A Republican senator who voted for the so-called Respect for Marriage Act supports Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s and Republican Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford’s amendments to the legislation, The Daily Signal has learned. Republican Alaska Sen. Dan Sullivan is working hard to ensure that the necessary votes are attained to include the amendments, which aimed […]


Looking at Why Hollywood’s Heroic #MeToo film ‘She Said’ Bombed In Spectacular Fashion

  • November 25, 2022

One might think a prominent story that is still relatively fresh would have garnered more attention, but “She Said” was thoroughly scorned. Last weekend saw the release of “She Said” from Universal studios. It’s the cinematic treatment of the investigation that created the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal and launched the #MeToo movement. The film is […]