On PBS, David Brooks Wishes for ‘Massive Cultural Shift’ to ‘European-Style’ Gun Laws

  • November 26, 2022

On Friday’s PBS NewsHour, New York Times columnist David Brooks responded to a question about lame-duck legislation after several mass shootings. He was pessimistic about anything passing but touted the idea of “a massive cultural shift” to “regard our common good, more frankly, in a European style,” instead of our terribly “individualistic” gun culture.  When anchor William […]


Biden Admin Lets Chevron Restart Oil Production in Venezuela

  • November 26, 2022

The Associated Press reports that the Joe Biden administration has moved to ease oil sanctions on Venezuela. The move is part of U.S. support for the long-stalled joint talks resuming between the dictatorial Maduro regime and opposition leaders, as both sides seek to help right a nation in chaos. The Biden administration is easing some […]


Second Key GOP Senator Announces Support for Lee Amendment

  • November 26, 2022

A second senator who voted for the Respect for Marriage Act will support Republican Utah Sen. Mike Lee’s amendment protecting religious freedom, though she did not say whether she would insist on the amendment’s adoption as a condition for supporting cloture on the legislation. Republican Wyoming Sen. Cynthia Lummis will support the Lee amendment if […]


Wyoming Catholic College Opposes Respect for Marriage Act

  • November 26, 2022

Another prominent Catholic academic institution is opposing the Democrat-led Respect for Marriage Act. Wyoming Catholic College President Glenn Arbery shared with The Daily Signal on Saturday that the college “supports the USCCB’s letter to the Senate against the Respect for Marriage Act, as well as the USCCB’s shorter and more recent press statement.” “The RMA [Respect for […]

Musk Says De-platforming Trump Was A ‘Grave Mistake’

  • November 26, 2022

Elon Musk admitted in a series of tweets that Twitter’s decision to permanently ban former President Donald J. Trump was a big mistake. Musk was discussing Trump’s decision not to tweet after his reinstatement. He argued that Trump’s reinstatement isn’t about the former president actually using the platform but is instead about promoting free speech […]

‘My God Forgive Me For What I’m Going To Do’: Virginia Walmart Gunman Left Chilling Final Message | The Daily Wire

  • November 26, 2022

A Virginia Walmart night supervisor left behind a chilling “death note” before turning the store’s break room into a bloodbath Tuesday night, killing six store employees and injuring six others, the Chesapeake Police Department revealed Friday. The gunman has been identified by officials as a night supervisor and 12-year employee of the Chesapeake store; he […]

Lib Activists LOSE IT Over Musk’s ‘Amnesty’ Plan

  • November 26, 2022

Liberal activists have lost their minds over Elon Musk’s so-called “amnesty” plan for Twitter. NewsBusters reported Friday that Elon Musk’s new Twitter policy will offer “general amnesty” to suspended accounts as long as they do not break the law or engage in “egregious” spam. After the policy was announced, Axios reported that liberals in favor […]

Loose Ends (195)

  • November 26, 2022

• I didn’t think any other politician (except perhaps John Fetterman) could make Joe Biden sound like a MENSA member, but behold Canada’s Justin Trudeau, at a recent parliamentary hearing: “Using protests to demand changes to public policy is something that I think is worrisome” • Guess what’s racist now? Fossils. The rise of scientific racism […]