
University Launches Graduate Program to Fight the ‘Rampant’ White Supremacy of Museums

  • November 26, 2022

If you love museums and “antiracism,” you’ll find a frenzied fondness for Tufts University’s new certificate program. The private Massachusetts research school has diagnosed museum curation with a bad case of white supremacy, and it’s offering a post-graduate cure. From school paper The Tufts Daily: Kelli Morgan, director of curatorial studies and professor of the […]


Twitter Bans Violent Antifa-Aligned Group for Radicalizing Militants

  • November 26, 2022

Let’s file this one under “This Would Not Have Happened Before Elon Musk.” Twitter has banned the account of CrimethInc, a far-leftist group known for inciting arson and other forms of political violence on the platform. The move comes after CEO Elon Musk began targeting users who call for violent aggression. Andy Ngo, editor-at-large for […]


EU Leaders Claim the U.S. Is Profiting off Ukraine War—at Their Expense

  • November 26, 2022

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of The relationship between the European Union and the United States is showing signs of strain, according to Politico, which writes that senior EU officials are “furious” with the Biden Administration and are accusing the U.S. of making bank off […]


Elon Musk will support DeSantis if he runs for President

  • November 26, 2022

If Ron DeSantis decides to run for president in 2024, he has the support of Elon Musk. It is very early in the 2024 presidential cycle (too early!) for candidates to announce they are running and so far, the only official candidate is Donald Trump. Even Joe Biden is waiting until the first of next […]


The Activist Media Is Still Pretending Elon Musk Will Destroy ‘Black Twitter’

  • November 26, 2022

The opinions expressed by contributors are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of In the latest episode of “Let’s Pretend We Care About the Blacks,” CNN became the latest activist media outlet to deceptively imply that Elon Musk’s purchase of Twitter will somehow hurt African Americans using the platform. Left-leaning “news […]


Putin’s War, Week 39. The Battle of the Generators

  • November 26, 2022

If on February 24, 2022, someone had told me I’d still be writing about Putin’s War in Ukraine 275 days later, I’d have laughed in their face. And yet, here I am. The changes in the front lines have been minuscule, but there are areas where the fighting is heating up. Politico-Strategic Level Train Service […]