
Class Act Byron Donalds Levels Cori Bush for Her Vile Attack

  • January 5, 2023

In the chaos of the Speaker’s race, Rep. Byron Donalds has shown that he’s a force to be reckoned with and a new face to look at for conservative leadership. It’s why the 20 folks objecting to the election of Rep. Kevin McCarthy rallied around Donalds as their choice. As my colleague Sister Toldjah reported, […]

Mystery Of 20,000-Year-Old Ice Age Drawings Finally Solved | The Daily Wire

  • January 5, 2023

Ben Bacon, a furniture conservator out of London, took it upon himself to figure out the meaning behind 20,000-year-old markings in caves in Europe. “As we probe deeper into their world, what we are discovering is that these ancient ancestors are a lot more like us than we had previously thought,” Bacon said. Researchers have […]

Editor’s Pick: Matthew Foldi Lambasts Liberal Media for Covering Up Katie Porter Scandal

  • January 5, 2023

Our friend Matthew Foldi wrote Wednesday at The Spectator that the liberal media have been obsequious in their refusal to acknowledge news broken by the Instagram account Dear White Staffers that darling Congresswoman Katie Porter (D-CA) has, in Foldi’s words, been “recently accused of: firing an employee who allegedly gave her Covid; using racist language, […]


EU Fines Facebook $400 Million for Ads Based on User Activity — The U.S. Should Follow Suit and up the Ante

  • January 5, 2023

If you’re a regular Facebook user, I can fire you up with just two words: targeted ads. While the multitude of ads on Facebook is irritating enough, Zuckerville’s ads targeting me based on my online activity is beyond irritating; it’s ominous. Elon Musk’s Twitter revelations should be proof enough for all Americans. The European Union […]