
The Week in Pictures: Happy New Year Edition

  • December 31, 2022

Well, another year in the can. I can’t say it was an especially great year. But who said the holidays are over? We have the third anniversary of January 6 coming up next week—the new high holy day of the First Church of Secular Liberalism. It is threatening to displace Kwanza as the favorite holy week […]

TV News Liberals Hit “Rigid,” “Hard Line” “Cartoonish” Pope Benedict

  • December 31, 2022

The passing on Saturday morning of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was greeted with a familiar litany of liberal griping about the “strict,” “rigid” “hardline” Pope’s stance on ecclesiastical issues, with ABC, CBS and NBC all reminding viewers that as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, he had been tagged “God’s Rottweiler” by critics. CBS correspondent Chris Livesay went […]

FLASHBACK: The Journalists We Said Goodbye to in 2022

  • December 31, 2022

Sometimes the battle against the liberal media seems impossible to win. But in 2022, some of cable TV’s most obnoxious left-wing executives, hosts, correspondents and commentators were shown the door. On this final day of 2022, it’s worth taking a look back at those who we said goodbye to this year, and thinking about how […]