‘Expel. Deport. Repeat.’: MIT Blasted For Protecting Anti-Semitic Students Over Fears They’d Lose Their Visas | The Daily Wire

  • November 12, 2023

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology took considerable backlash over a statement explaining why more actions hadn’t been taken against students who promoted anti-semitic and even genocidal slogans while participating in pro-Palestinian demonstrations on campus. While MIT is not the only American college campus where such protests are taking place, critics noted that it was the […]

Netanyahu: Hamas Is Shooting At Palestinians Trying To Flee Gaza In Evacuation Zones | The Daily Wire

  • November 12, 2023

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed during an interview over the weekend that multiple reports that have emerged in recent weeks of Hamas shooting at Palestinians trying to flee Gaza were accurate. Netanyahu made the remarks during a Sunday interview on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash while documenting how Israel has worked […]


Hundreds of Thousands Take to Streets of France—Not to Celebrate Hamas, but to Protest Antisemitism

  • November 12, 2023

Hundreds of thousands of people marched through France Sunday, and for once they weren’t chanting anti-Israel slogans and waving Palestinian flags. No, this time, demonstrators were actually protesting rising antisemitism around the world since the Jewish state went to war with Hamas over their October 7 terror assault. Advertisement More than 180,000 came out in […]


Ron DeSantis Didn’t Back Down and the RNC Caved

  • November 12, 2023

Ron DeSantis keeps showing why he wins. The successful Florida governor did it again on Saturday in Iowa. This time he took on the RNC and won. Bob Vander Plaats, President and CEO of Iowa’s Family Leader, held a Republican presidential candidate forum in the leadup to the 2012 and 2016 Republican caucuses. The event […]


Climate Change Brat and Hoaxer Greta Thunberg Interrupted at Dutch Protest — Makes Anti-Israel Rant: ‘No Climate Justice on Occupied Land’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hᴏft

  • November 12, 2023

Climate change hoaxer Greta Thunberg’s speech was briefly interrupted by an unexpected confrontation on Sunday. The incident occurred just moments after Thunberg invited a Palestinian and an Afghan woman to address the tens of thousands gathered in the Dutch capital, Chron reported. The man who interrupted Thunberg and who has not yet been identified, told […]


GSA Keeps Biden Voting Plan Secret, Releases Voting Czar Emails

  • November 12, 2023

The Biden administration continues to shield from the public its plans for federal agencies to turn out the vote, citing “presidential communications and deliberative process privilege.”  Newly released emails, however, demonstrate the focus of the White House and various government departments on registering voters and getting them out.   In a response to a request by […]