
Cruz Flips the Script on Code Pink When They Try to Corner Him, Exposes What They’re Really About

As we reported. last week, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) demolished Antony Blinken when the Secretary of State testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee regarding Joe Biden’s catastrophic foreign policy. In particular, he ripped into Blinken about how they’d helped our enemies and alienated our friends, and how the world was much more dangerous as a result. He pointed out how, despite their claimed sanctions against Iran, Iran had increased the number of barrels of oil it was selling from 300,000 to two million a day. 


READ MORE:   MUST SEE: Ted Cruz Demolishes Antony Blinken on the Catastrophic Foreign Policy of Biden on Iran

But there was a little bit more drama after that beatdown when Code Pink tried to do a “gotcha moment” on him in the hallway coming out of the hearing. Imagine people being this twisted to act as though it’s Israel that’s the evil one in the fight for their lives against the Hamas terrorists. But Cruz was ready and delivered a healthy dose of reality to the radical activists. 

“Are you concerned about the weapons that are still being sent to Israel?” one asked him. 

“Yes, and many more need to be sent,” Cruz responded. 

“So, you’re for the genocide of the Palestinian people?” she said. 

“I’m against Hamas terrorists and I’m against the genocide that Hamas is trying to carry out,”  he shot back. 


He told them he thought it was really sad that they were “standing with modern-day Nazis.” 

The activist then claimed that over 40,000 had been killed and asked if that was not a genocide. 

Two problems with that claim. One, numbers coming from Hamas-controlled entities have more holes in them than Swiss cheese, as we’ve reported.  Two, genocide has a real definition: the effort to willfully extinguish a people. Just what Hamas is trying to do to Israel and the Jewish people. The actions of Israel are no comparison. The Code Pink person also doesn’t seem to care if her actions help terrorists. 

She continued to shout after him. He turned and said that she was supporting people who murdered children. That ticked her off so much, that’s when she let the mask slip and claimed that both Israel and the U.S. were Nazis. 

Notice she doesn’t care about the Americans killed or the American hostages. She just cares about hating America, because that’s what this is really about. Code Pink is one of the groups who have said they want to try to disrupt the DNC Convention in August. They also plan to try to disrupt the RNC Convention. 


If she so hates the U.S., why is she here? Why isn’t she in Gaza? 


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