
Denver mayor declares state of emergency over illegal migrant arrivals; NYC braces for more buses

Denver Mayor Michael Hancock issued an emergency declaration as a result of about 800 illegal immigrants arriving in the city since December 9. The mayor calls the migrant crisis “unexpected.” Two of the city’s largest recreational centers have been converted into shelters. City staff has been reassigned to work at the shelters, taking them away from their regular jobs.

Mayor Hancock is singing the same tune other sanctuary city mayors burst into when they realize the consequences of their declarations of being sanctuary cities. Help. We need more resources. They think it makes them sound compassionate and good. What it does is encourage illegal migration, putting the lives of the migrants at risk along the southern border. The Biden border crisis is a humanitarian crisis. Cities in the interior of the United States are no more able to handle the flood of illegal aliens who need everything – housing, food, education for their children, medical attention – than the communities along the border.

The recent migrant influx is putting a strain on the city’s resources to the tune of of more than $800,000. Migrants have been trickling into the city over the past several months, and most recently a bus carrying 90 immigrants arrived.

Denver mayor Michael Hancock said Friday on “Rush Hour” that the city is need of volunteers, staff and space to handle the number of people that are seeking assistance at homeless shelters.

“We are in dire need of volunteers to help staff the facilities,” Hancock said. “Had it not been for some of the NGOs, nonprofit profits and faith-based organizations, our city would have been certainly at the brink if not broken in terms of trying to provide services.”

“Once we activate our emergency operations center, they leave their title roles and they go fill roles either in the operation center or they could be reassigned as other duties are needed,” Hancock said. “They’re not going back to their desk, but many of them are working exorbitant hours because we are short-staffed in our shelter centers.”

Welcome to the party, pal. Border states like Texas and Arizona have been shouting from the rooftops about the Biden border crisis for almost two years, yet woke Democrats have been determined to ignore the problems it is creating and virtue-signal how they would welcome anyone to their cities. You asked for it, you got it. The mayor says Denver is overwhelmed by 800 illegal migrants that have “trickled in” over time. The communities along the southern border see more than 800 migrants cross the border before lunch on many days. You know who else is short-staffed and working all kinds of tasks? The Border Patrol agents assigned to the border. Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and DHS Secretary Mayorkas do not care. The Biden border crisis is intentional.

Mayor Hancock thinks there is coordination between the migrants and nonprofit NGOs on the ground in places like El Paso.

“It seems to be loosely coordinated between the migrants and asylum-seekers themselves and some nonprofit partners on the ground in El Paso, Texas,” Hancock said. “They’re coming in at our homeless shelters, and as a result because of the surge we had to set up these separate shelters.”

Maybe they are coming on their own, especially since El Paso officials are releasing hundreds of illegal aliens into the streets of the city due to overcrowding at its shelters. Some are arriving on buses in groups of over 100.

“When we have 110, 170 people showing up in one night and it continues to be a constant cadence, it overwhelms our system. I can’t imagine what the mayor of El Paso, Texas, is having to deal with, 5,000 coming in,” Hancock said. “Congress literally needs to put aside their partisan politics and come to the rescue of these individuals, but also help these cities and states server their purpose in helping these individuals.”

He doesn’t have to “imagine what the mayor of El Paso is having to deal with” because the mayor has been all over television telling what it is like in his city. It’s unsustainable. It’s overwhelming the city’s resources and personnel.

One opinion piece written by the Denver Gazette Editorial Board predicted this migrant crisis would find its way to Denver.

We predicted imminent busloads of immigrants. Colorado communities, most notably Denver, asked for it and would get what they wanted.

Denver, always on the leading edge of woke ideology, made itself a full-fledged sanctuary city for illegal immigrants in 2014. Then-Sheriff Gary Wilson; mayoral Chief of Staff Janice Sinden; Executive Director of Safety Stephanie O’Malley; City Attorney Scott Martinez; Assistant City Attorney David Broadwell; and others in power back then issued a moratorium thumbing Denver’s nose at federal immigration officials.

“Effective immediately, the Denver Sheriff’s Department (DSD) will no longer honor a request in any I-247 detainer that DSD maintain a person in custody…” the memo declared, rescinding a longstanding agreement between immigration officials and local law enforcement. “All persons who are in our custody who currently have a 48-hour ICE hold that is not accompanied by a criminal warrant or some other form that gives DSD legal authority to hold the person SHALL BE DROPPED…” (Editor’s note: emphasis theirs).

Three years later, in 2017, the Denver City Council codified Denver’s status as a sanctuary city with an ordinance that prohibits “city employees from collecting information on immigration or citizenship status; prohibits the sharing of any other information about individuals for purposes of immigration enforcement; and, memorializes predominant practices by prohibiting use of city resources or City cooperation with civil immigration enforcement…”

There you go. They wanted it, they got it.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is making headlines again over the migrant buses arriving in his city. Two arrived on Sunday and more, maybe up to 15, are expected in the next few days. He emailed city council members and staff to warn them that the city’s shelter system is at capacity. He knows what will happen on Wednesday when Title 42 comes to a halt.

Please be advised that due to the lifting of Title 42 later this week, the City is expecting a higher amount of asylum-seekers buses beginning today, with 2 buses today and 10-15 more expected in the next few days,” the email reads.

The mayor expects more than 1,000 illegal aliens to arrive in NYC per week. That’s a drop in the bucket of what Texas and Arizona are seeing. The federal government has failed to provide necessary resources for what is already happening at the southern border. Officials in other places around the country probably shouldn’t hold their breath for federal relief, either.



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