
WATCH: Ted Cruz Backs House Impeachment of DHS Head Mayorkas for ‘Openly Defying Federal Law’

When Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz speaks, smart people listen. On Wednesday’s episode of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Cruz told host Martha McCallum that he wholly backs House Republican-driven impeachment hearings against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas


The Texas firebrand told McCallum it’s not that Mayorkas is “bad at his job”:  

Look, I think the House is doing exactly the right thing. I think Alejandro Mayorkas should be impeached. I think he should have been impeached two years ago. You got to understand, it’s not that Mayorkas is bad at his job; it’s that he is openly defying federal law. He is not trying to secure the border. 

On the contrary, Cruz said, Mayorkas has been doing his damnest to expedite illegal immigration at every turn — in part by ignoring existing federal immigration laws.

He is instead trying to accelerate illegal immigration. He is trying to process illegal immigrants faster. We’ve had over that… Joe Biden’s entire tenure 9.6 million illegal immigrants flood into this country. And Mayorkas is ignoring the laws on the books and is subjecting the American people to enormous risk.

As is his wont, Cruz brought the devastating receipts — which he dropped not only at Mayorkas’ feet but at the feet of the serial-lying twins, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, as well.

We’ve seen crime, we see children being brutalized, we see women being sexually assaulted. We see over 100,000 drug overdoses last year, the highest in history. Seventy percent of that is Chinese fentanyl flooding across the southern border. 

And those body bags are very much the fault of Alejandro Mayorkas and Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. And so, I salute the house for doing the right thing. It needs to be done. This needs to stop.


News flash: Team Biden won’t do a damn thing about it as long as they’re in office — which is the foremost reason they must be kicked to the curb in November.

As reported by my colleague Streiff on Monday, the House Homeland Security Committee, led by Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.), was preparing to start its impeachment hearing of Mayorkas on Thursday. As part of their preparation, they released a damning supercut of the DHS head’s failure to do his job of “enforc[ing] the laws.”

As Streiff reported, an estimated 12 million illegal aliens have entered the U.S. during Biden’s three years in the White House, nearly as many as entered the country during Barack Obama’s two terms in office, and Donald Trump’s single term — combined.

So, How Bad Is It?

As I reported on Monday, even Joe Biden knows it’s bad. How bad? The embattled president has virtually gone begging to Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, pleading for his help in stopping the evergrowing surge of illegals from reaching the border.


Even worse, López Obrador knows he holds all the cards. 

In return for helping Biden out of his intentionally created crisis, the Mexican president wants the U.S. to approve a plan that would send $20 billion [in U.S. taxpayer dollars] to Latin American and Caribbean countries, suspend the U.S. blockade of Cuba, remove all sanctions against Venezuela, and — here we go — grant at least 10 million Hispanics living in the U.S. the right to remain and work legally.

Yeah, Joe did that. And lying Alejandro Mayorkas has been his eager quarterback from the beginning. 



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