
Elitist Snob Scarborough Mocks Federal Courts In ‘Flyover Space’

Just yesterday, we called out Joe Scarborough’s false-modesty shtick of describing himself as “a simple country lawyer.”

Today, Scarborough exposed just what a sham that shtick is, as he revealed himself as a typical elitist snob.

The show devoted a segment to Donald Trump’s case before the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals in which he argues that he is immune from criminal prosecution for acts performed while president.

In predicting that the court will make short shrift of Trump’s case, Scarborough said:

“George Conway, where does this end? Do you think, as Chuck [Rosenberg, a former US Attorney] believes, that, that this argument is so preposterous, that Donald Trump’s lawyers aren’t going to be able to delay by getting the entire D.C. Circuit to listen, getting the Supreme Court to mull over it. Is this something they just sort of brush away [as seen in the screencap], again, because it’s such a laughable argument?

“Also, it’s the D.C. Circuit. I mean, this isn’t, this isn’t some random Circuit out in flyover space.”

Scarborough stopped there. But as Conway chuckled at Joe’s “flyover space” gibe and began to answer, Joe—presumably realizing just how condescendingly elitist he had sounded—sought to cover his tracks by interjecting, “As the justices would call it, where I’m from.”

Scarborough’s attempted clean-up was transparently absurd. And as for where you’re “from,” Joe. You might have been born in the South, but you’ve long ago transmogrified into a snob “from” Manhattan’s Upper West Side, hyper-exclusive Westport, CT and Jupiter, FL, who “summers” on Nantucket.



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