
Tucker Carlson Rips Dan Crenshaw In McCarthy Fight; Crenshaw Returns Fire | The Daily Wire

Fox News host Tucker Carlson laid into Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) during his Wednesday show — calling him “the snarling face of the donor class” — and prompting an angry response from Crenshaw.

Carlson began by sharing video of Crenshaw, who is backing Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) in the contentious intra-party battle for the House speaker position, accusing the Republicans who oppose McCarthy of being more interested in their own fame and notoriety than in working for the American people.


“They are enemies now,” Crenshaw told CNN’s Manu Raju — and he referred to the GOP holdouts as “terrorists” during a conversation with Fox News radio host Guy Benson, saying, “We cannot let the terrorists win.”

Carlson said the holdouts have legitimate reasons for not backing McCarthy.

“But you’ll notice that Dan Crenshaw didn’t address any of those — none of them,” Carlson said after airing the clip of the  former Navy SEAL. “What you just saw as Dan Crenshaw spoke — what you just saw is the snarling face of the donor class, revealed for all to see finally.”

Crenshaw fired back at Carlson on Twitter, saying that his use of the word “terrorists” was a “figure of speech” and suggesting that the Fox News host was being overly sensitive.

“Unclutch your pearls. It’s a figure of speech. You can’t insult, slander, and hold everyone hostage with no way out – and not expect me to punch back. Grow thicker skin,” he said.

On Thursday, McCarthy lost a ninth consecutive vote for the speakership, picking up just 200 of the necessary 218 votes. Seventeen Republicans cast votes for Byron Donalds (R-FL) and three chose Kevin Hern (R-OK). The vote came after McCarthy met with the holdouts Wednesday night and made  several significant concessions designed to get him to the magic number.

The concessions reportedly included allowing a motion from a sole member to force a vote on ousting the speaker, more key committee seats for Freedom Caucus members, a promise to hold votes on term limits and border security, and appropriations changes aimed at preventing another omnibus spending bill. McCarthy also reportedly agreed to keep his super PAC, Congressional Leadership Fund out of Republican primary races for open seats.



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