
Harris CNN Town Hall Wrap: Kamala Doubles Down

CNN hosted Vice President Kamala Harris on what had been originally proposed as a debate that was rejected by former President Donald Trump. With the floor to herself, would Harris sink or swim? Would host Anderson Cooper try to tip the scale? And would CNN allow some Democrat ringers to slip through the cracks? We watched so you wouldn’t have to.

The town hall began with Cooper asking Harris what she would say to Trump voters who aren’t swayed by her messaging. Harris proceeded to double down on it.

Harris proceeds to say that Trump is a fascist, and repeats the “suckers and losers” hoax.

The first question comes via a registered Republican concerned about the direction of the party, and January 6th. This question is met with boilerplate word salad.

A registered libertarian inquires about high prices: gets to hear about price controls for food and rent. Harris calls herself a “devout public servant.”

Anderson Cooper’s first followup is on price controls. Harris proceeds to insult the Attorneys General of three states, one of which is the gubernatorial candidate in a state she needs to win. 

The next question comes from an allegedly undecided Democrat political science professor, asking Harris to name her top legislative priority. She meandered before getting to amnesty and abortion.

Cooper drills down, getting Harris to talk about killing the Senate filibuster for abortion on demand.

Harris throws Biden overboard on the economy. With love and reverence. 

Harris is asked about the migrant crisis and immediately doubles down on amnesty for 30 million illegal aliens.

To his credit, Cooper asks what took Biden so long on the border actions. Harris is nonresponsive.

Cooper drills down on the Senate border bill and her apparent flip-flop on the wall.

Harris gets a question on Gaza, which is met with non-responsiveness.

Harris blows a chance to address “uncommitted” over Gaza.

Here Harris spread the lie, unchecked by Cooper that law enforcement officers were killed on January 6. An officer killed a woman on January 6…

In addition to calling herself a “dedicated public servant,” Harris compares herself to a modern-day Esther.

Here, Harris got misdirected. She was lining up for a question on abortion and January 6th but instead ended being asked about her weakness. A reasonable person can infer that Harris believes indecisiveness is her biggest weakness.

Cooper’s follow up was met with more word salad.

To a very detailed question on taxation, Harris offers: a tax hike.

A voter’s question about antisemitism veers into attacks against Trump.

Brutal question on flip-fops and authenticity. Harris tried to spin away from her Trump response.

Harris got a court packing question. With time winding down, Harris trots out her latest talking point:

Harris closes out with joy dreams aspirations…

Harris doubled down on specific policies when pressed. As is often the case, Harris is most passionate about abortion, This town hall was not the exception.

Cooper’s followups were notable for the non-responses or spin they would elicit from Harris. But, for most part, Harris was allowed to speak freely. There were occasions where Harris merited a fact-check from the crowd. For example, Harris claimed that law enforcement officers died on January 6th, but that is simply not the case. Harris was also given wide berth to repeat hoaxes such as “suckers and losers”, among others.

Early analyses on CNN indicate that the Regime Media are dissatisfied with Harris’s performance. There are 12 days left to Election Day, and diminishing opportunities for the Regime Media to prop Harris up. 



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