
The Democrats Want to Party Like It’s 1952

And just like that, Democrat Party bosses threw out 14 million votes for president. 

The last time a presidential nominee was selected without a single primary vote was Illinois Governor Adlai Stevenson in 1952.


Yet, here we are.

Americans were told not to believe our lying eyes, and that conservative media outlets were pushing “cheap fakes.” But reality hit everyone hard on June 27 during the disastrous presidential debate between President Biden and former Pres. Donald Trump. No longer able to hide the truth about Biden’s mental fitness, Democrat Party leaders and their acolytes in the legacy media realized Biden was certain to lose the 2024 election.  

Never forget: They knew about Biden’s condition. That’s why Cornel West, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., and Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN) tried to challenge Biden as far back as July 2023, but the party bosses rigged the primaries so they could prolong holding the wool over everyone’s eyes.

The Democrat elites don’t trust their voters to choose their leader and thought their delay tactics could carry them through November, but Biden’s mental health was revealed.

Here’s the problem: We’re still in a constitutional crisis. Biden’s out of the race, but he’s not out of the Oval Office. Up until the very moment he endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the top of the ticket, Joe Biden was desperately trying to prove to everyone he was capable of running for reelection, and he wasn’t going anywhere.


No one buys that he’s physically or mentally capable of running a presidential campaign, so why are the American people expected to accept that he can still act as the Leader of the Free World? 

Remember when we were all given a constitutional lesson on the 25th Amendment during Donald Trump’s presidency? 

When the president recognizes that he is unable to serve, he may alert Congress that he is unable “to discharge the powers and duties of his office.” Until the president alerts Congress that such disability has been resolved, the vice president serves as acting president. This option has been invoked when previous presidents have undergone medical procedures. 

Or when the president is unable or unwilling to recognize his disability, the Constitution turns to the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to determine whether presidential disability exists and alert Congress to their findings. 

The Democrats were eager to invoke the procedures in the 25th when it was NOT their guy. In fact, they threatened it repeatedly. They clamored for it in the media and gave impassioned floor speeches about the importance of the 25th Amendment as a tool to “save democracy” during the Trump presidency.


But the Democrat Party elites aren’t concerned about “saving democracy.” They just threw away 14 million votes in a last-ditch effort to maintain power.

Joe Biden was their puppet. The backroom Democrat leaders have been pulling the strings for years. D.C. pundits openly talked about Biden as the third term of the Obama presidency. Social media memes have characterized Biden as an infant in need of handlers. 

Just prior to that fateful debate, the president embarrassed himself (and the country) in front of the world during the G7 Summit when he wandered off, and Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni had to pull him back into the group for a photo op. 

More Bumbling Confusion From Biden at the G7 Opens Up Big Questions About the Debate

Biden’s Awkward, Embarrassing Moments With Other Leaders at G7

Numerous times, Biden has disagreed with “his own” statements, or his press secretary has had to walk back something Biden said on camera.

If Biden is too infirm to campaign on the Democrat Party mantle, he’s too infirm to continue pretending to be the Leader of the Free World.

Democrat Party bosses are ready to throw him out in January, but the American People deserve a president between now and then.


There is now much debate about whom it helps or hurts to invoke the 25th Amendment and have VP Harris step into the Oval.

The reality is: Biden has worn out his welcome, and he’s no longer useful to the Democrat Party Machine. The Democrat bosses don’t care about the voters or the good of the country. 

BREAKING: President Joe Biden Ends Reelection Bid, Will Remain As POTUS

The Elites Just Pulled off a Real Attack on Democracy

Whomever wrote Biden’s resignation letter properly put party before country when it literally read, “I believe it is in the best interest of my party and the country for me to stand down…”

The Democrat Party is actively thwarting the will of their own voters. 

We can’t let them succeed in determining who will occupy the Oval Office in January 2025, but they also shouldn’t get away with maintaining a puppet presidency for the rest of 2024.

Michael Thielen is the Republican National Lawyers Association President.



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