
The New Brainwashing Is…

One of the key techniques used by the left to seize the culture is brainwashing. 

Scott Adams has been exploring this phenomenon a lot on his podcast Real Coffee with Scott Adams, and something he said struck me particularly. 


Now I should admit that it did so, at least partly because he was saying what I was thinking already- that the new meme put out to undermine Trump, especially J.D. Vance, is the assertion that Vance is “weird.” The phrase has popped up all of a sudden, out of whole cloth, and had been set up by some of the hoaxes that have been put out the past few days–especially the whole “couch” story started by the planted Associated Press “fact check” of a claim nobody was making. 

Go to Twitter or follow what Democrats are saying–and what is now beginning to be put out in the MSM–and search for “weird.” It is everywhere. And what makes it so bizarre to conservatives, and especially conservative men, is that this is coming from the movement that thinks that men in dresses are normal women, and who praised the opening ceremony of the Olympics as stunning and brave. 

If there is anything at all, aside from pointing out that it is utterly incompetent, that you can say about the Biden Administration, it is that it is filled with weirdness and weirdos. Totally deranged people are everywhere you look, and weirdness and degeneracy are highly prized attributes for Biden and Harris. 


Adams, and I agree, argues that this obviously untrue statement is being pushed hard by Harris and the left as a brainwashing technique and that it will be highly effective with a slice of the population–especially Gen Z women, but also all AWFLs in general. 

The fact that it is an inversion of reality is no barrier to its effectiveness, and by now we should understand that this is the case. Many false things have stuck in people’s minds in recent years, despite being untrue. 

And not just untrue, but obviously untrue. The fact that it is obviously untrue is not a barrier to effectiveness but actually part of its power because through the power of repetition and its spreading the word “weird” is redefined while maintaining its emotional power. Further, the fact that a group you don’t like disagrees with the claim makes it even more powerful–BAD people think it is untrue, therefore it must be true.


What makes this brainwashing instead of a lie is that it doesn’t just plant a false and falsifiable “fact” into people’s minds–“facts” can be updated as new data comes into a person’s understanding–but it radically alters one’s view of reality. 


Think of all the bizarre things that have entered the left-leaning culture. Gender ideology is an obvious example. Millions of people now repeat a mantra that men are women and should share locker rooms with children–a view that if you had floated in 2012 would have been rejected out of hand by all the AWFLs who now will fight to the death for this argument. 

There are mothers who genuinely believe that a grown man should expose his genitals to young girls as a matter of right and morality and consider those of us who oppose this incredibly stupid and dangerous idea as “transphobes.” It would be literally unbelievable not too long ago, and now is the hottest topic in the culture war. 

This is brainwashing–a well-planned and executed campaign not to “change people’s minds” but to wipe them and replace what was there before with a new worldview. The campaign started about a decade ago, gained steam, became mainstream, and now dominates about half the country.


The same is true for the sexualization of children, which has been a key meme of the left for quite a while. Morning shows aimed primarily at women have been pushing this for quite a while, and the left eats it up. 

It is now common in America to have parents getting healthy body parts chopped off their children–something that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago. And the brainwashing has been so effective that gender ideology is gaining strength in America as it is collapsing in Europe. 

And it is the opponents who are labeled as haters. 

Adams has spent a lot of time lately discussing brainwashing, and he views this through the lens of a hypnotist (he is one). One tell that brainwashing is going on is the repetition of obviously untrue things, such as the idea that Trump said to inject bleach into your veins, or that he called Nazis “fine people.”

Literally nobody would say those things, and Trump did not. But through clever marketing millions of people think that YOU are nuts for not believing them. 


Most of the hoaxes we have lived through recently have been driven by brainwashing, and we saw how massive and effective these campaigns are during the pandemic. 

About a third of the country is brainwashed, and one of the key reasons it works so well is that the left lives in a silo that isn’t possible for most people on the right. Conservatives can’t help but be bombarded by leftist culture and news because it dominates the country. But liberals can easily avoid conservative news and opinion because it is kept out of the mainstream. 

Liberals literally believe that anybody who disagrees with them is hateful because everything the read and see tells them that. And it helps that liberals tend to live in urbanized areas where there are very few conservatives, and the media is concentrated in New York and Washington D.C. The very air they breathe is suffused with liberalism. 

You can’t argue with people who are brainwashed, and you likely have had that experience. They live in a different universe than you and I. it’s not that conservatives are always right, but we can’t avoid seeing the other side. 


The left? They actually believe that J.D. Vance is weird and Kamala Harris is totally normal.



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