
Build Back Better Built Nothing

One of the Biden/Harris administration’s signature programs is marketed as ‘Build Back Better,” but there is a slight problem: it has built basically nothing despite spending billions of dollars.


It’s the policy equivalent of burning a stack of $100 bills a mile high. Except, to a certain extent, it isn’t. What they are doing is transferring those billions to leftist activist groups whose main job is making our lives miserable. 

There are many examples to choose from, and the Washington Free Beacon has yet another featured today

As part of the first tranche of Clean School Bus program funding two years ago, Harris and EPA administrator Michael Regan unleashed nearly $1 billion in federal rebates for 389 school districts across all 50 states to help deliver a total 2,463 electric school buses. According to federal data reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon, just 27 of those districts have proven to the EPA that their buses were delivered and that their diesel-fueled buses being replaced have been discarded.

Collectively, those districts have deployed a total of 60 battery-electric or low-emissions propane-fueled school buses. And 55 additional districts have pulled out of the program, according to other federal data shared with the Free Beacon, citing a variety of technological and infrastructure concerns. In other words: More school districts have withdrawn from the program than proven that they have completed it.

“EPA anticipates that transitioning to new technology school buses will take time, which is why the project period is two years with an option to extend where needed and justified,” said EPA spokeswoman Shayla Powell.


All those school districts that pulled out did so for a reason: electric school buses are a terrible idea.

Now if you think that this program was intended to actually get electric school buses into he hands of bus drivers, this looks like a massive policy fail. But of course it isn’t that at all. It is about dispersing massive amounts of money into the various hands of Biden friends and supporters. 

The school buses are the excuse, not the point. 

The same can be said of the vast numbers of EV charging stations:

So for $7.5 billion, the taxpayers have gotten 7 or 8 charging stations–which, given how bad non-Tesla charging stations are, are likely trash. I looked it up and Tesla has over 50,000 superchargers out there. Private company vs. government, and if you think this is all due to inefficiency, I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I want to sell to you. 

Somebody is getting beaucoup bucks from all this. 

Now let’s look at rural internet investments:


The Biden Administration poured over $40 billion into a program that was “intended” to subsidize rural connectivity, and has connected precisely ZERO homes to the internet. 

ZERO. Not one. 

Originally Starlink was slated to participate in the program for obvious reasons: you don’t have to string fiber optic cables to the middle of nowhere, which costs outrageous amounts of money. A small satellite receiver can deliver high-speed internet to almost everybody in rural areas at minimal cost. 

But the administration HATES Elon Musk, so they excluded Starlink from the program, and the result is that nobody is helped. And why not? Helping people was never the point. Getting the money and distributing it to favored groups IS the point. Any connections are a happy byproduct, and even that hasn’t happened yet. 

It’s a scam, as everything is these days. There is an America that works, and the Democrats and the Left see productive Americans as marks, taking their resources and giving them to politically powerful or useful people and groups. You see the same thing with the homeless industrial complex, where tens of thousands of dollars are poured into a bureaucracy that keeps people drugged and homeless. 


The money goes to the groups that pretend to help the homeless. I call it farming the homeless. 

Government has become the most powerful tool in the toolbox for the left. Using its coercive power, it steals from the rich and gives to the richer and more powerful and politically useful groups. People go along because they simply don’t know it is happening or care. Liberal voters are concentrated in urban areas, so rural internet doesn’t mean anything to them anyway. 

Any time a liberal tells you they are doing some nice and compassionate thing, look to where the money is really going. You can tell it never accomplishes anything because the problems are never solved, so it’s obvious that fixing the problem was never the goal in the first place. 

As with everything else, it is a hoax. 



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