
Kamala Segregating Her Supporters–Literally

One of the more bizarre aspects of living in today’s world is that liberals have nearly infinite power to shape the information landscape, yet they still manage to often present themselves as totally cringe.


It’s the same phenomenon you see in woke Hollywood, especially Disney these days. The people who create the Truman Show we live in have nearly infinite power to present their goals as attractive, but they still often fail spectacularly. 

It’s no secret why this is true: the world they want to create is inherently disgusting, even when they slap a coat of paint on the image. They use nice words like “diversity,” “compassion,” “equity,” “inclusion,” and “love,” but the feral grin often gives the game away. Think angry trans people, BLM, and the opening ceremony of the Olympics. These were all supposed to be good things to embrace, but the content is just repulsive to most of us. 

Identity politics is the core of the ‘diversity” movement, and like all the things leftists like, most of us are at least mildly repulsed by it for obvious reasons. 

The Harris campaign is leaning especially heavily into identity politics, at least in how it is mobilizing its supporters to get excited for her candidacy. 

First there was “White Dudes for Harris,” which sounds like the punchline to a joke. I thought it was a parody, but nope: it’s real. 


No doubt liberals think this is a perfectly natural way to organize, but to the average person, it is, at best, cringy and, at worst, racist. 

To see the level of cringe, watch this bit from the “White Women for Harris” Zoom call. If it doesn’t make you think J.D. Vance has a point about crazy cat ladies, something is wrong with you:

She is the perfect AWFL. It’s cringe at its worst, and yet, for liberals, this is catnip. And because it is self-evidently good in their eyes they don’t even understand that for many of us it is utterly repulsive. They cannot even imagine it. 

Because the left thinks in terms of identities, they will naturally coalesce into identity groups, and this has the advantage to them of serving as an organizing principle and the disadvantage that ordinary people will see it as pretty cringy. We can’t do anything about the former, but we can use the latter to our advantage. 


We shouldn’t be angry about it. We should mock it. How many “white dudes” do you know who would be proud to wear a “White Dudes for Kamala” shirt? How many clips of that grating “influencer” could you stand? 

They are calling J.D. Vance “weird.” And, to them, he is because he is actually quite normal. These people think the French Olympic opening show is normal, even high culture. 

The key to using this cringiness and racial segregation is not to yell about it, but to poke fun at it. People get defensive when you come off as angry (as I often am), but most also share your opinion that it is not attractive. Lean into the second and try to control your first impulse to outright denigrate it. 

I know that’s hard because it is hard for me. But poking fun at this cringe gives people permission to poke fun at it. It will be self-defeating if we get people to mock it. 



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