
Kamala Harris Has a Message for the Paris Olympics, and It Exposes Her Biggest Liability

The Kamala Harris “honeymoon” period continues, at least according to the subservient press that is more than happy to pretend she’s the second coming of Barack Obama. If you just read the headlines, you’d think there’s an amazing groundswell of grassroots support for an absolute political dynamo. As the story goes, she’s just so darn authentic and likable.


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In reality, Harris didn’t receive a single vote in the primary. Her current candidacy is solely the result of an insurgent campaign by the Democratic Party insiders to force Joe Biden out of the race. She is still the same person who got her doors blown off in 2019, running one of the worst presidential campaigns in American history. By the time she dropped out, she was polling at two percent despite being lauded as the front-runner for months after her initial announcement. 

What was the biggest liability that led to her demise? It wasn’t her policy views, as horrible as they were. It was the fact that she was so obvious in how fake she was. Harris would change her positions on a dime. At other times, she’d go to her mainstay, which was to claim we needed to have a “conversation” about whatever controversial issue she was asked about. She was willing to say anything to garner support, and everyone could see it. Harris wore her inauthenticity like a badge of honor.


Was that going to change in 2024? That was an open question for several days as she leaned into very subdued statements, but it’s been answered. Harris made it exactly a week before returning to her old ways, this time in a laughable effort to attract the “youth” vote.

HARRIS: Team USA, we are so proud of all of you so go to Paris. Slay! And we’ll see you soon, you are the best of the best, and we are so proud of you. Have fun too, okay. 

“We are so proud of you,” declares Harris with her patented vocal exaggeration and a fake smile plastered across her face. She then tells US athletes to “slay” because that’s what all the cool kids say, right? Does anyone think Harris uses that term in real life? Is she going around telling Joe Biden to “slay” when he makes a public appearance? Of course, not. Everything about that video is consultant-driven and manufactured. 


There’s nothing more cringe than when older people try to act young for cynical reasons. Harris is almost 60 years old. She’s not a cultural icon. She’s not a celebrity. She doesn’t say “slay” unless a script placed in front of her commands her to say it.

Does this stuff even appeal to anyone? Is some 29-year-old in Pennsylvania who can’t afford a mortgage due to the Biden-Harris administration’s disastrous economic policies going to vote for Harris because she goes on “RuPaul’s Drag Race” and says “slay?” I have my doubts. On the contrary, I think the more she leans into these pre-packaged, inauthentic moments, the worse she’ll do. It’s a reminder to everyone of exactly who she is.



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