
Megyn Kelly Slams ‘Power Hungry’ Jill Biden: ‘No One Elected You’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Now that Joe Biden’s mental health issues have been exposed, there has been increased focus on Jill Biden, who appears to be one of the main drivers of Biden’s decision to keep running in this election.

Jill Biden clearly loves the life they have built at the White House and all the perks that come with it.

During a recent appearance on the Piers Morgan show, Megyn Kelly was asked for her thoughts on ‘Doctor’ Jill and she did not hold back.

Transcript via Mediaite:

I think she’s been exposed as a power-hungry aspirant herself to political power. She is on the cover of Vogue magazine right now. Why? Because she wants to promote herself. She tweeted out a photo of herself sitting in the president’s chair not long ago when he was preparing for the G7 meeting… hanging over the back of his chair.

She’s not the damn president. Get out of the chair. No one wants you at the G7. No one elected you to lead us politically.

And a couple of years ago, I did a bit that went viral on how she insists on being called Dr. Jill Biden everywhere. And all these left-wingers got upset with me. She is a doctor, she’s got her PhD, she’s in education, what have you. I don’t make fun of that degree. My own father had that degree. But my father would never have insisted somebody call him Dr. Kelly. He went by professor, and that was a title he’d earned. Why does she insist on it? Because she’s power hungry. Because she has a small, fractured ego that she needs built up.

She needs the affirmation of strangers to give her an honorarium. That really means almost nothing. The only people who get to be called doctor, legitimately, I understand, no disparaging of the degree, are medical doctors. If you can’t say: ‘Yes, I will resuscitate him when he has a heart attack on a plane’, stop using that label when you get introduced at a book club or on The View, which is what she does, all right?

Watch the video below:

If Democrats really want to push Biden aside, they’re going to have to get by Jill first.



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