
WH Press Secretary KJP Hails the ‘Best Team in the Business,’ Promptly Receives Brutal Fact Checks

The Biden administration has been on an almost unbelievable tear lately as they prepare to fade off into history, telling us what a fantastic job they’ve done, doing everything in their power to kneecap the incoming Trump team, and taking every opportunity to poke a finger in the eye of the American public.


If they were doing such a fantastic job, why will they all soon be unemployed?

It shouldn’t come as a surprise then when White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre—one of the most mendacious, crotchety and incompetent figures ever to take to the podium—tried to take a victory lap Friday on social media.

Try not to laugh (or cry):

My first thought on seeing this post was, you need that many people to misinform and gaslight the public?! What do they spend their days doing, thinking of new ways to say, “You didn’t see what you thought you saw, the president is actually sharp as a tack, and any attempts to say otherwise are ‘cheapfakes’”?

There are so many stories we’ve covered here at RedState; here are but a couple.

The Truth Is What You Make It:

BIDEN PARDON: Karine Jean-Pierre May Have Just Given the Most Shameless Press Conference Ever

Karine Jean-Pierre Has Another Disaster When Asked About Democrats’ Fearmongering Rhetoric About Trump

To see the full list, click here.

Washington Times columnist Tim Murtaugh had thoughts:

I’ve watched a lot of Jean-Pierre press conferences, and she always seems annoyed that she has to actually do her job, and she treats reporters—especially her nemesis, Fox News’ Peter Doocy—like peons. She frequently avoids important questions by claiming, “I don’t have a readout on that here”—whatever that means—and/or storms out in a huff.


This is the captain of the best team?

But worse than her demeanor—and more damaging to the country—are the outright falsehoods she continually peddles from the briefing room. There are numerous examples, but the worst two are her gaslighting the country for years about Joe’s mental condition, as mentioned above, and also her repeated insistence that the president would not pardon his son Hunter despite everyone with a brain knowing he would do exactly that

And he did.

It’s almost over: Inauguration Day Is Coming. What Will Become of Karine Jean-Pierre?

We could go on—she was just that bad—but why bother? She’ll be outta there in just over two weeks’ time.

Like her boss, she leaves behind a record of shame, deceit and failure. In other words, a perfect fit for MSNBC.



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