
DEVELOPING: Border Patrol Whistleblower in James O’Keefe’s “Line In The Sand” Film Has Firearm Revoked | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Zachary Apotheker Border Patrol whistleblower

Zachary Apotheker, the Border Patrol whistleblower who appeared in James O’Keefe’s film titled, “Line In The Sand” had his firearm revoked!

“Undercover journalist James O’Keefe goes to the front lines of the migrant industrial complex using hidden cameras and raw testimonials. O’Keefe reveals the shocking reality of the U.S. border crisis like never before: Mexican freight trains, cartel tunnels, and U.S. funded child detention camps. Watch this gripping exposé of a corrupted system that demands change,” the film’s description reads.

Click here to watch “Line In The Sand”

Zachary Apotheker said his government-issued firearm was revoked.

“I am Border Patrol Agent Zach Apotheker. Just one day after my appearance in James OKeefe’s film “Line in the Sand,” now streaming on the TCNetwork, my government-issued firearm was revoked. The reason? Alleged breaches of security and integrity policies,” the whistleblower said.

“But here’s the stark contrast: while I’m rendered weaponless, thousands of illegal alien convicted murderers and rapists, as openly admitted by the Department of Homeland Security DHS, remain at large and free,” he said.

“I took an oath to defend our Constitution and to protect the American public. This has been the greatest honor of my life. Yet, when you’re truly over the target, you become the target,” he said.

Zachary Apotheker appeared in O’Keefe’s film because he just couldn’t sit back silently as children are trafficked, raped and abused.

Earlier this week he received a memo from US Customs and Border Protection demanding answers about his involvement in the documentary.

Zachary Apotheker responded with fire.

“The only compensation I received and benefited from was a free, clean, and clear conscience because I told the truth to the American Public and fulfilled my duty to the Constitution,” Apotheker said.

“There are over 300,000 missing children that the Department of Homeland Security has admittedly not been able to keep track of,” he said.

“I received all the necessary approval I needed from the United States Constitution,” he added.




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