
IL Governor Pritzker Whistles Past the Graveyard: Kamala’s Probably Not Winning Arizona

  • September 29, 2024

JB Pritzker, while still supposedly being Governor of Illinois, is more concerned about Arizona and Kamala Harris’ chances of taking that swing state in the November presidential election. He’s beating the abortion drum and claiming the vice president is winning in Arizona. Advertisement His statements have the distinct tone of whistling past the graveyard. “She’s […]


‘Soviet Britain’: Now They’re Coming for the Chickens

  • September 29, 2024

As the nation is focused on the upcoming presidential election and the constant stream of bombshells dropping in the media related to the race, authoritarian forces in the west are hard at work concocting new and innovative ways to expand the government’s reach into our lives. Advertisement This is especially true of the United Kingdom, […]

PBS’s ‘Washington Week’ Seethes Over Trump’s ‘Campaign of Fear,’ Vance’s Woman-Hating

  • September 29, 2024

Washington Week with The Atlantic, PBS’s weekly political roundtable featuring outside journalists, is described on their website as “known for its depth, balance and civil discourse.” No, it’s not. It’s known for red-hot hate of Donald Trump.  They were particularly harsh on candidate Trump and running mate J.D. Vance this week, perhaps prodded by guest […]


John Kerry Laments the First Amendment, Sees It As ‘Major Block’ to Progressive Agenda

  • September 29, 2024

Former Secretary of State John Kerry recently argued that the First Amendment is an obstacle for government agencies to crack down on supposed “misinformation” and “disinformation.” Advertisement Kerry’s comments were made during a panel at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in New York City. He started by noting that the “dislike of and anguish […]

FLASHBACK 2006: The Media’s Massive Pre-Election Foley Feeding Frenzy

  • September 29, 2024

Eighteen years ago tonight, ABC News revealed that Florida Republican Congressman Mark Foley had sent lewd text messages to several underage congressional pages. Confronted with the evidence, Foley resigned from office that very day. “In a statement, he said he was deeply sorry and apologized for letting down his family and the people of Florida,” […]

WHAT? Amazon Prime Wants Brian Williams to Host ‘Nonpartisan’ Election Night

  • September 29, 2024

It’s apparently not enough for Jeff Bezos to use his Amazon fortunes to power the leftist bias of The Washington Post. Now Amazon is aiming to resuscitate the career of “Lyin’ Brian” Williams, the disgraced NBC anchor. The Los Angeles Times reported Williams is finalizing a deal to anchor live coverage of the 2024 presidential […]