
Boeing Workers…Go On Strike?

  • September 13, 2024

Ah, they say timing is everything, and I guess there’s no time better than when your company is on its knees, and a good part of the reason is *checks notes* it’s gotten a reputation for shoddy manufacturing practices. Advertisement By the way…who does the manufacturing at Boeing – the riveting, attaching panels, running wires, […]


Media Excoriates Biden for Using Term ‘Black Jobs’…NOT

  • September 13, 2024

Personally, I thought the whole ‘black jobs’ controversy was a tempest in a teapot pushed by race hustlers and Democrats (but I repeat myself) in order to alienate black voters and cat ladies from Donald Trump.  Advertisement So I am neither shocked nor appalled that Joe Biden has adopted the term himself. So what? Everybody […]


Elon Musk Gets a Lot of Personal Threats (I Wonder Why)

  • September 13, 2024

The NY Times has an article up today about the growing number of threats that Elon Musk faces and the increasingly large security force he uses to keep the crazies at bay. Advertisement The world’s richest man, with a net worth of more than $240 billion, he once fielded largely harmless calls and messages from ardent […]


Man, This Election Stinks, Says …

  • September 13, 2024

I came thisclose to making this today’s Final Word. Because, y’know, a papal observation seems rather fitting for that position, does it not? The clear alternate headline in everyone’s mind has to be: Pope Francis Says What Most People Think About Every Election. The pontiff in this case focused his political observations on the doctrine […]


Not Looking So Confident, Kamala…

  • September 13, 2024

If the polls are to be believed, Kamala Harris is doing pretty well in the race to become president.  If you look at what Kamala Harris is doing and saying, not so much.  Advertisement 🚨 WORD SALAD ALERT 🚨 “I am feeling very good about Pennsylvania because there are a lot of people in Pennsylvania […]

CBS Co-Host Who Donated to Kamala Harris Proclaims ‘We Are Impartial’

  • September 13, 2024

CBS doesn’t seem to know what the word “impartial” means. While praising singer and Harris supporter Taylor Swift for telling people to register to vote, CBS Mornings co-host and Kamala Harris-donor Gayle King proclaimed that she, her co-hosts, and the network don’t just “try to remain impartial,” but that they actually “are impartial.” Co-host Nate […]

Good Guys with Guns

  • September 13, 2024

Do you carry a gun? Bad idea, says Hollywood. Civilians with guns are fools. You are more likely to hurt yourself than the bad guy. “Leave it to a good guy with a gun to really screw things up,” says a cop on ABC’s “The Rookie.” Liberal politicians agree. “A good guy with a gun […]

‘Imprisoned or Killed’: Elon Musk Gives Reasons for Safeguarding THIS Key US Freedom

  • September 13, 2024

X owner Elon Musk highlighted the importance of preserving free speech globally explaining how individuals can be “imprisoned or killed” if they speak out against their respective countries’ ruling authority.  Musk sounded the alarm during a special Sept. 10 interview with All-In podcast hosts Chamath Palihapitiya, Jason Calacanis, David Sacks and David Friedberg. “They spoke […]


Are Elite Colleges Cheating the Affirmative Action Ruling After All?

  • September 13, 2024

I’ve been trying to follow the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s overturning of affirmative action as it plays out at the country’s top colleges and universities. When MIT released its enrollment data last month, the outcome was in line with what both the plaintiffs and the defendants in the case had expected. The number of […]