
MSNBC Panel Reliably Gushes Over Kamala Harris’s Debate Performance

If the leader of North Korea were to give some sort of speech or participate in some multilateral event, one could reasonably expect the North Korean state media to gush to its captive audience about the Dear Leader’s muscular and virile performance. This is on par with MSNBC’s analysis at the conclusion of the debate between former President Donald Trump and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Except, perhaps, that the North Koreans might be more restrained in their gushery. MSNBC began praising Dear Comrade Kamala as soon as ABC cut the feed. Lawrence O’Donnell praised Harris for shaking Trump’s hand.

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: Let’s start at the beginning. When they entered I was wondering what was going to happen. Would there be a handshake? We’re going to see that video more than once. It’s Donald Trump running away from her. It’s Donald Trump trying to turn away as the adult in the room approaches and crosses to do what every presidential candidate before her has done in that situation, which is to extend her hand to the other candidate, and Donald Trump runs away from it until he can’t. She literally has to corner him to shake his hand and she does it. 

Of course, no such thing happened. Harris walked up to Trump, introduced herself, and initiated the handshake. Everything else is a product of O’Donnell’s fevered imagination and regime worship. 

No one should be shocked that MSNBC, as charter members of the Regime Media, marveled at ABC’s moderation of the debate which, it has to be said, WE WARNED YOU ABOUT. Naturally, the panel gushed over David Muir and Linsey Davis’s moderation which was so awful, one-sided and intrusive that Candy Crowley is now officially off the hook as worst moderator in recent memory, if not ever:

NICOLLE WALLACE: ABC did a very fine job.

CHRIS HAYES: Fantastic job.

JOY REID: Yes. Excellent. 

WALLACE: They did reporting on the eating of pets. 

HAYES: Which is important, you’ve got to say it. 

REID: Yes.

WALLACE: And I think sometimes people are reluctant to put themselves in the story. David Muir didn’t hesitate to say “I went back and watched the tape. You didn’t sound sarcastic to me when you said ‘I lost by a whisker’”. Kamala Harris got Trump on three sides of whether or not he won in 2020. He said “I won”, and then he said, “I said sarcastically that I lost by a whisker”, and David Muir ended it by saying “no, that wasn’t sarcastic.” So what the American people heard was Trump on three sides of the outcome of 2020 and David Muir and Linsey Davis played an important role in that. 

REID: They were excellent. I think- kudos to them because they did just enough fact-checking not to be inter- you know, a part  of the debate but to make sure that, you know, really egregious lies were shut down.

Consider that they are cheering David Muir for a fact-check of sarcasm.  

Not only was Harris v. Trump the single greatest debate performance OF ALL TIME according to the Regime courtesans at MSNBC, but we must also contend with the unmitigated greatness of the Taylor Swift endorsement of Harris in all its exquisite timing:

LAWRENCE O’DONNELL: I’ve never been impressed by celebrity endorsements. I think they are helpful to the base you already have. They tend to be people who the base already identifies with. This is someone who crosses it all. This is, I think, the most important celebrity endorsement we’ve ever seen in a presidential campaign. Especially because it is so close. It can make that kind of difference. The Harris for President campaign now has the two most perfectly timed and important endorsements of this campaign. Joe Biden’s 27-minute timed endorsement after he said “I’m not the candidate”. Perfect timing. It just put a rocket on her to the nomination. This, about 27 minutes after the debate. And it’s so important, I think, to the people who are going to be consuming that Taylor Swift endorsement. Including those fathers of 8-year-old girls. And that she said, “I watched the debate. I didn’t decide this yesterday. This is a new candidate. It’s a new candidate for all of us, and so I watched a more than 90 minute debate. I watched this candidate against the other candidate and I thought about it and here I am. And here is my endorsement.” The timing on it is absolutely exquisite. The wording of it is flawless and perfect, right down to the cat lady stuff. It is- for someone who’s never been impressed by a celebrity endorsement, this is perfect and powerful.

RACHEL MADDOW: There is also something that is amazing non-bookends about the Taylor Swift endorsement and the Dick Cheney endorsement. It’s a same campaign.


MADDOW: Really big coalition.

This is what passed for post-debate analysis over at MSNBC. Regime Media, regimeing very hard over the Regime’s performance at a Regime Media debate. The North Koreans are surely blushing right about now.



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