
NYT: The Problem With Venezuela Is Too Much Capitalism

The New York Times has diagnosed the real problem with Venezuela. 

After a few years of blissful socialism, it has succumbed to the evils of capitalism, turning the country into a capitalist hellscape


They literally put that in a NEWS story as if it were a fact, not an absurd opinion. Experts tell us so. 

No matter how much you hate the media, you don’t hate them enough. 

Seriously. I am not joking at all about that. The media exists for no other reason these days than to brainwash people. 

“Brutal capitalism.” Venezuela. Capitalist. Reported somehow as “news,” and approved by an editor to go out to millions of people as if it were fact. 

Yesterday, Kamala Harris endorsed the election as the will of the voters despite it being obviously stolen, and the New York Times is now describing it as brutally capitalist. 

History is being rewritten before our eyes, and words change meaning without notice in order to keep people from seeing things with clarity. 


If the election decision holds and Mr. Maduro remains in power, he will carry Chavismo, the country’s socialist-inspired movement, into its third decade in Venezuela. Founded by former President Hugo Chávez, Mr. Maduro’s mentor, the movement initially promised to lift millions out of poverty.

For a time it did. But in recent years, the socialist model has given way to brutal capitalism, economists say, with a small state-connected minority controlling much of the nation’s wealth.

Mr. Chávez swept to power in 1999 following a democratic election, vowing to remake a system led by a corrupt elite. 

At least the Times concedes that Venezuela is not paradise, so that is something. It’s just that the failure to be a paradise is because of capitalism. 

Socialism never fails, so if something fails, it must be capitalism that causes it. Brutal capitalism caused a third of the country to emigrate in recent years, shockingly to Western countries like the United States and Spain. Because Venezuela is too capitalist. 

Uh huh. Yup. Must be. Perhaps The New York Times sees socialism as my governor, and Kamala Harris VP contender Tim Walz.


I have written this before, but it bears repeating: my wife’s father is from Venezuela and still has elderly brothers there. All the younger relatives have emigrated to Europe as they had dual citizenship in Spain, but the elderly couldn’t move away. 

Two of my father-in-law’s brothers nearly starved to death, saved only by a wellness check we had done by a Catholic organization. They were both in their beds, barely alive, because food was hardly available there. Their pensions are worth nothing now, and social support systems have collapsed. 

Here is Venezuelan “democracy” in action. 

That is the reality in Venezuela. Not “brutal capitalism.” To call the Times “fake news” is an understatement, akin to calling Stalin “not a nice man.”

The New York Times is trash. And it is the media outlet that sets the agenda. 



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