
This Matt Gaetz Race Is Getting Pretty Spicy

  • July 29, 2024

This is so classically Panhandle sleazy – I can’t stand it. Now, I will admit to knowing all the players personally, having helped out the GOP locally since McCain’s campaign, then ran the county team (which was…me) for Rubio’s original guerilla senate campaign and, by the time of Trump’s election, social-climbed my way into vice-chair […]


Jerome Corsi Exclusive: Why It Will Cost Another $10 Million to Defeat the Democrats, Save the Trump Campaign, and to Preserve America from Satan | The Gateway Pundit | by Guest Contributor

  • July 29, 2024

Guest post by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D. After last week’s sacrilegious Olympics opening ceremony in Paris, does anyone yet harbor any doubts that “woke” atheistic neo-Marxism has embraced the globalist LGBTQ+ “Last Supper” dark side? Granted, the Democratic Party is stuck with Kamala Harris—the one presidential candidate that nobody among the Obama-controlling deep state evidently […]


Elon Musk Dunks On Gavin Newsom with Colorful Reply After Disgraced Governor Whines About Him Sharing Epic Kamala Harris Parody Video | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

  • July 29, 2024

Credit: Gage Skidmore/Wikimedia Commons As Jim Hoft reported over the weekend, X owner Elon Musk shared an epic parody video of Kamala Harris. The AI-generated video, put together by the account @MrReaganUSA, highlights Harris’s strengths,” including her being the “ultimate diversity hire,” a “deep state puppet,” her word salads, her imitation of Barack Obama, and […]

New-to-Me Music

  • July 29, 2024

Had the lovely privilege yesterday of attending our usual Traditional Latin Mass. But the choir this time was singing something from the 19th century rather…


Smurfing At Work

  • July 29, 2024

You know that $200 million that has been raised for Kamala Harris through ActBlue? I have every reason to believe that the money is real but that many or most of the contributors are fake because ActBlue is basically a money-laundering operation by the evidence.  Advertisement Campaigns generally don’t have to report smaller donations by […]


Politico Strikes Again: Harris Anointment ‘Totally Upended’ the Race!

  • July 29, 2024

Man, the media wants to sell this narrative so bad it hurts. It hurts their credibility, it insults our intelligence, and is so demonstrably false that it beggars the imagination.  Advertisement Politico already tried playing defense for Kamala this morning. In the afternoon, they decided to play offense, in all definitions of the word: The […]