
More 1984 Than You Can Imagine

Did you know that Donald Trump was almost assassinated in July 13th?

Google autocomplete doesn’t, and neither does MetaAI (Facebook’s AI). For all they know, nothing at all happened on July 13th.


No, I am not joking. It is really true and a good example of how search algorithms and AI models can be manipulated to create a reality utterly at odds with the “facts.”

I was tipped off to this phenomenon yesterday on Twitter, and at first I thought it must be a photoshop job. It turned out not to be, and thousands of others have done the same thing and come up with the same results. By now it may or may not be different, because Google was caught, but it shows just how powerfully the Big Tech titans or their minions want Donald Trump to lose this November. 

I did the exact same thing myself and verified that, in fact, Google autocomplete believes I am more likely to be interested in information on the attempted assassination of Seward or Robert Fico (who?) than that of Donald Trump. 

Really. I had to look him up. Fico is the Prime Minister of Slovakia. 

He survived, by the way. Google thought I would be desperate to know that. As for Seward, that would be Lincoln’s Secretary of State, who was targeted for assassination around the time of Lincoln. 

Everybody is searching that one, I am sure, on July 28, 2024. 

MetaAI also has similar amnesia. It apparently knows nothing about the attempt on Trump’s life earlier this month, because, perhaps, it hasn’t been updated with that information. 


It does, however, know all about Kamala entering the race and even the issues she is focused on. 

Google and Facebook DOMINATE the information landscape. We don’t do internet searches. We “Google” it. And Google determines what you can see and what is pushed at you. 

Google owns YouTube, which is one of the very most popular sites on the internet. When you search for Kamala Harris videos, not only are the videos skewed toward positive ones for Kamala, but the videos themselves have infoblurbs attached that point you to positive stories about her, “fact checks,” and other things to shape your view of her. 

To you and me, it is glaringly obvious, but that is because we are looking for manipulation. Most people just assume they are getting a well-rounded and fairly complete picture. 

It’s like the air you breathe–invisible to you. 

It is easy to compare all this to 1984, but Orwell had no conception of just how powerful the information manipulation tools would become. He caught the flavor of it, and that is good enough, but we now live in an information economy even more powerful than he could imagine. 

I have followed some accounts on Twitter–prominent ones–where pundits were loudly defending Joe Biden as the apotheosis of political strength and wisdom one minute who, on a dime, ignored him and focused all their love on Kamala Harris as if nothing at all had changed. 


Are they stupid, brainwashed, or lying? 

I vote a combination of brainwashed and lying. The brainwashing makes them love the Establishment without reservation, and the lying is done for the benefit of that Establishment. They are what are now ironically termed “NPCs,” after the non-player characters in video games. 

NPCs are the AI-generated characters in the games–they do only what they are programmed to do, and literally have no brains because they are just part of the game. These pundits are the equivalent: they voice what the Establishment needs them to voice, with no independent will. 

Jennifer Rubin would be a good example. She is effectively brainless now. You can predict her every utterance based on the conditions at any one moment. She is Establishment-GPT. 

I am not joking. I asked Meta AI to do it, and it is perfect:

Rubin GPT. Total NPC. She could be replaced by a Large Language Model, and nobody would know the difference. Seriously. 

It is important to change the narrative around the Trump Assassination attempt because it was such a powerful moment, and changed how people saw Donald Trump. It has to be altered, memory-holed to the extent possible, and turned into a non-event. 

That’s why Christopher Wray cast doubt on Trump’s being hit by a bullet. That is why several media outlets picked that story up. It was to diffuse the effects of the event. 


To the Establishment, we are all pawns to be moved and sacrificed. We have no autonomy, no integrity, no dignity, and no worth at all except as pieces on the chessboard. 

They do this to “save our democracy.” 

Yeah, right. 



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