
EXCLUSIVE: Conservative Group Alerts Congress to Kamala Harris’ Record

FIRST ON THE DAILY SIGNAL—Vice President Kamala Harris “owns each and every one” of President Joe Biden’s failures, according to a conservative organization that sent a list of Biden’s policies Thursday to every congressional office.

“Though the Left and media are out to wipe out the past failures of Harris during the Biden administration, her record is permanently engrained in the minds of the American people,” Paul Teller, executive director at Advancing American Freedom, told The Daily Signal in a written statement.

Advancing American Freedom, founded by former Vice President Mike Pence, advocates conservative policies on Capitol Hill.

Teller said he sent the letter to equip policymakers with a resource: a “tracker” marking the ways that Advancing American Freedom claims Biden’s policies have failed Americans.

The “Biden Accountability Tracker” presents a list of “disturbing and harmful actions,” including “each significant policy decision made, executive action taken, or regulation promulgated by the administration that hurts the American people,” the organization’s letter to lawmakers explains.

“Our organization has kept a rolling record of the failures of the Biden-Harris administration since 2021, from reversing Trump-Pence border policies, to pushing an expensive and burdensome climate agenda, failing to protect women’s sports, and using the FDA to make the dangerous abortion drug mifepristone available by mail,” Teller told The Daily Signal. “Kamala Harris owns each and every one of these failings, along with her own record from her time as California attorney general and as a senator.”

“It is clear her policies are left of Biden and that she has it out for conservatives and the freedom-loving community,” Teller added.

Teller’s reference to Harris’ having it out for conservatives touched on the vice president’s record from her time as California attorney general. For example, Harris directed her office to search the home of pro-life investigative journalist David Daleiden, who had exposed Planned Parenthood officials’ selling aborted baby body parts for profit. She prepared a legal case against Daleiden, which her successor as California attorney general—now Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra—brought against the pro-life journalist.

Harris also demanded sensitive donor information from two conservative organizations, Americans for Prosperity and the American Freedom Law Center, after her office had leaked sensitive donor information and after some on the Left had launched a video game in which players acted out a shooting at Americans for Prosperity headquarters.

The tracker focuses on illegal immigration, Israel, climate, and social issues. Immigration policies may weigh heavily on Harris since Biden tapped her to help craft his approach by investigating the “root causes” of illegal immigration.

The tracker highlights key immigration policies Biden put into place Jan. 20, 2021, the first day of his presidency. It notes Biden’s orders that the apportionment of congressional districts will include illegal aliens, his revival of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and his suspension of the Migrant Protection Protocols (also known as the “Remain in Mexico” policy).

The tracker also notes Biden’s 100-day pause in deportations and his decision to rejoin the World Health Organization despite its record and ties to China during the COVID-10 pandemic.

The tracker notes an Office of Personnel Management policy aimed at circumventing Schedule F, a Trump-era reform that would make it easier for presidents to fire administrative staff who didn’t do their jobs or who undermined a president’s policies.

It also highlights what Advancing American Freedom characterizes as “harmful Biden administration policy surrounding the conflict in Gaza,” such as the president’s demand for Israel to adopt a cease-fire in its campaign to wipe out Hamas’ military capabilities following the terrorist group’s Oct. 7 terrorist attacks in Israel.

The tracker also highlights how legislation Biden signed into law directed funds to renewable energy technologies that rely on America’s top adversary, China.

Members of the House and the Senate, and their constituents, may access the tracker on Advancing American Freedom’s website or below.



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