
Book-Burning, Leftist Style: German Publisher Explains Why It Stopped Printing Vance’s ‘Hillbilly Elegy’

In the two weeks since Donald Trump announced his selection of JD Vance as his vice-presidential running mate, Democrats and their sock-puppet media have gone off the rails — even farther than they already were — with their histrionic, hyperbolic attacks against Ohio’s junior senator.


Why, you’d think JD was even more threatening than Donald, the Devil’s spawn himself.

Shockingly, Kamala Harris was among the first to take an absurd cheap shot at Vance (emphasis, mine).

Hey, everyone. So Donald Trump has picked his new running mate, JD Vance. Trump looked for someone he knew would be a rubber stamp for his radical agenda, and make no mistake: JD Vance will be loyal only to Trump, not to our country. 

Harris went on to make even more outrageous statements about Vance, which I felt no need to include in this article.

As we reported on Sunday, Vance responded to Harris questioning his loyalty to America in devastating fashion. 

Now, I saw the other day Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to this country. That’s the word she used; loyalty. And it’s an interesting word. Semper Fi: loyalty, because there is no greater sign of disloyalty to this country than what Kamala Harris has done at our southern border.

Kamala Harris questioned my loyalty to America. I enlisted in the Marines for this country. I went to Iraq for this country. I built a business for this country. And my running mate took a bullet for this country. What the hell has Kamala done to question our loyalty to America?


Game, set, match.

READ MORE: JD Vance Claps Back at Kamala Harris After She Questions His Loyalty: What Have YOU Done for the Country?

So, that sets the stage for this article.

Berlin, Germany-based publisher Ullstein has dropped its German translation of “Hillbilly Elegy“— Vance’ s 2016 memoir. Any guesses? The company cited Vance becoming Donald Trump’s running mate and his politics as the reason in a statement to German media:

At the time of its publication, the book made a valuable contribution to understanding the drifting apart of US society…In the meantime, he is officially acting alongside him and advocating an aggressively demagogic, exclusionary policy.

In other words, book-burning, leftist style. 

As George Washington University Law professor and Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley put it, “why burn books when you can simply prevent their being printed under blacklisting campaigns?”

Here’s more from Turley:

In this country, we have seen the left successfully force book bans for writers and even justices who espouse opposing viewpoints. We have seen actual calls for book burning recently (here and here).

Ullstein is facing a high demand for Vance’s best-selling book Hillbilly Elegy, but has refused to print more copies due to his political viewpoints (unrelated to the book).


Some in the United States are already balking at the selling of any book by Vance. Seven Stories Press wrote, “Seven Stories Press is extremely thrilled to have never published JD Vance.”


Yet, consider the melodramatic meltdown on the left if a U.S. publisher stopped printing a best-selling book from a liberal writer — a book that has zero to do with the liberal writer’s political views. Can you imagine the reaction in the liberal media? Me, too.



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