
Checkmate? US Removes Missiles From the Philippines As China’s Xi Plays JFK to Biden’s Khrushchev

  • July 6, 2024

Friday night, President Joe Biden sat for an extended interview with ABC Washington correspondent and former Clinton White House muppet George Stephanopoulos. This interview was the first Biden has conducted since his humiliating performance in Thursday’s debate with former president Donald Trump. It was also the first interview Biden gave in 2024 and only the […]


Biden Has Lost Sanjay Gupta

  • July 6, 2024

This may be sounding increasingly like a broken record, but an increasing number of mainstream media figures have continued to line up and at least express alarm over Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance last week, if not call for him to drop out of the race. Now CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta has joined […]


The Sky Is Falling! Summer Is Hot, So It’s Time for ‘Climate Calamitists’ to Wail and Gnash Teeth.

  • July 6, 2024

The Atlantic published an article titled: “Living Through the End of California.” Well, alrighty then… I wondered: Might they be concerned California is slipping into an inescapable debt hole caused by one-party rule, or that under Governor HairGel, the great state of California has turned into a morass of homelessness and human excrement? No. I was […]