
WINDS OF PEACE: After Going to Kiev, Orbán Flies to Moscow to Advocate for Cease Fire and Negotiations, as Putin Says He Believes Trump Is Sincere About His Desire for Peace | The Gateway Pundit | by Paul Serran

The great Winston Churchill once famously said thatIf the human race wishes to have a prolonged and indefinite period of material prosperity, they have only got to behave in a peaceful and helpful way toward one another’.

Seems like a thousand years ago that the finest political minds of our planet were interested in de-escalation, peace and prosperity for all.

As Mother Teresa rightfully described, ‘Peace begins with a smile’. And the bearer of this first smile in no other than conservative champion, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

Oráan is expected to travel to Moscow tomorrow (5) to meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

This visit comes days after his meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in Kiev.

Radio Free Europe reported:

“Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto will also accompany Orban to the Kremlin, the government source said on July 4. Szijjarto has visited Russia more than five times since Moscow invaded Ukraine more than two years ago.”

This development comes mere days after Hungary took over the rotating presidency of the European Union.

The Globalists in Brussels are furious. Outgoing president of the European Council, Charles Michel posted on X that “the EU rotating presidency has no mandate to engage with Russia on behalf of the EU.”

Orbán faced enormous pression but did not severe his ties to Russia.

“Last month, Putin said Russia would end its war — which is believed to have killed and wounded at least 500,000 soldiers on both sides — only if Kiev met certain conditions.

Those included renouncing its NATO ambitions and ceding four partially occupied regions that Russia claims in their entirety, in addition to Crimea.”

In Kiev, Orbán presented Zelensky with a cease-fire proposal, asked ‘whether it was possible to take a break, to stop the firing, and then continue the negotiations’.

Ihor Zhovkva, Zelensky’s deputy chief of staff said the Ukrainian leader listened to Orbán’s proposal but stated Ukraine’s position in response.

Trump and Orbán are famounsly aligned.

Meanwhile, in Kazakhstan, at the end of the regional CSO security conference, Putin declared that he believed that the Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump ‘was sincere’ about wanting to end the war in Ukraine, adding that that ‘he did not know how Trump planned to do so’ once elected.

Reuters reported:

“‘The fact that Mr Trump, as a presidential candidate, declares that he is ready and wants to stop the war in Ukraine, we take this completely seriously’, Putin said.

‘I am not, of course, familiar with possible proposals for how he plans to do this. This is the key question. But I have no doubt that he means it sincerely, and we support it (the idea of ending the war)’.”

Read: Trump and Putin Are the Terror of Davos Globalists: Russian Media

Trump and Putin: will peace ensue?

“Two key advisers to Trump presented him with a plan to end the war that involves telling Ukraine it will only get more U.S. weapons if it enters peace talks, Reuters reported last month.

Putin said constructive dialogue between Moscow and Washington was impossible during a heated U.S. presidential election campaign and that Moscow would wait for the result and see what the new leadership does.”

Watch: Putin – “We take Trump’s plan to end the war very seriously.”

Read more:

Russia’s Putin Claims Charges Against Trump Are Simple ‘Political Persecution’



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