
Dem Congressman on Univision: ‘We’re Sticking With DADDY’

There’s been a great deal of serious discussion in the wake of President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance as to whether he should remain on the 2024 ticket, and then there is what Congressman Adriano Espaillat vomited out while on Univision’s AL Punto with Jorge Ramos.

Watch as Espaillat answers Jorge Ramos’ question on whether Biden should remain on the ticket with a response that both endumbens the discourse and makes Hispanics look terrible:

JORGE RAMOS: I want to show the people that video, precisely, those contrasts between the video of the debate on Thursday and what the president did on Friday, which is totally different. This is the video.

JOE BIDEN (AT THE DEBATE): The total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.

BIDEN (AT NC RALLY): I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth!

RAMOS: Congressman, these are two totally different presidents. Many are even suggesting that he should be replaced as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president. Is this possible? 

REP. ADRIANO ESPAILLAT: We’re sticking with Daddy, Jorge. I think this is the time for the party to decide. We are already crossing the river. We can’t turn back. 

Hispanics who come to the United States- most of them, anyway- often do so out of disgust with the politics of their countries of origin. And a hallmark of Latin American politics is the cult of personality aspect that is often associated with leftist presidencies and dictatorships. 

To have a sitting United States Congressman, who is himself an immigrant, play to these cult of personality stereotypes is simply disgusting. The Founders would’ve probably vomited at the thought of a Member of the House referring to the President of the United States as Daddy, especially within the context of such a grave conversation as whether Joe Biden is fit to serve in office, let alone run for a second term.

Jorge Ramos, for the most part, just lets Espaillat run with that instead of challenging him. “Very powerful”, he calls it.

Let this serve as your periodic reminder that the most disinformed voting cohort is that which relies exclusively on Spanish-language news media

Click “expand” to view the full transcript of the aforementioned interview as aired on Univision’s Al Punto on Sunday, June 30th, 2024:



10:10 AM

JORGE RAMOS: And now let’s hear the opposite perspective. We are joined by Democratic Congressman Adriano Espaillat. Congressman, thank you for being here with us. You have seen the reaction everywhere to President Biden’s very poor performance in Thursday’s speech- in this debate against Donald Trump. Disaster, panic, shock. How did you react?

REP. ADRIANO ESPAILLAT: Well, he is a man of flesh and blood. And the president showed that he is strong, that he was welcomed in North Carolina by a euphoric crowd. And I think that on that occasion he showed his command of the important issues. He showed that the nation is a nation that believes in honesty, in decency, that has a plan for the future that is different from Donald Trump, who thinks that America is already defeated and that it has failed. We do not believe that, and he has frankly said that yes, he did not debate yesterday as he once did, but that he knows how to get up when he falls. 

RAMOS: I want to show the people that video, precisely, those contrasts of the video of the debate on Thursday and what the president did on Friday, which is totally different. This is the video.

JOE BIDEN (AT THE DEBATE): The total initiative relative to what we’re going to do with more Border Patrol and more asylum officers.

BIDEN (AT NC RALLY): I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth!

RAMOS: Congressman, they are two totally different presidents. Many are even suggesting that he should be replaced as the Democratic Party’s candidate for president. Is this possible? 

ESPAILLAT: We’re sticking with Daddy, Jorge. I think this is the time for the party to decide. We are already crossing the river. We can’t turn back. He shows that President Trump is not trustworthy, that he is a menace to the country because of his actions and his deeds, not because of some whim. And we understand that President Biden is not like that, that he helped us during the pandemic. He has lowered the cost of insulin, he has helped working families, he wants to forgive students’ college loans, he has done a tremendous job for the working class of the United States and that is why we’re sticking with Daddy. 

RAMOS: Now- I understand the phrase and I think it’s very powerful. However, many believe, most Americans like neither Biden nor Trump. What has happened to the new generations, Congressman? Where are they? Why don’t we see them? Why is this new United States not showing up?

ESPAILLAT: Well, politics, as in the entire world, will have its time for them too, because I believe that everything has its place and its time. In this case it is such a strong debate between, what I consider a threat to the country, what Donald Trump is, and Joe Biden, who even with the deficiencies that he displayed yesterday, showed us today that he can rise, that he has the strength to continue being a leader and that he is a man of integrity and a man of his word and does not go around from nonsense to nonsense, but is a person with whom the nation can work. So I think yes, his work has been very good and he deserves to remain for four more years. 

RAMOS: I only have 30 seconds left. But are you concerned that more and more Latinos, according to polling from the Pew Research Center, that more and more Latinos are associating and drawing closer to Donald Trump than to Joe Biden?

ESPAILLAT: Polls are like a snapshot of a moment in time, right? But that can change dramatically overnight. And how Joe Biden changed overnight to this morning, when he was in North Carolina- public opinion can also change. I believe that when the nation continues to listen to the lies after lies and the antics of Donald Trump, they will become disenchanted with him and will understand that Joe Biden is the honest president that the nation needs. We’re sticking with Daddy. 

RAMOS: I’m stuck with that phrase. “We’re sticking with Daddy.” Congressman. Thank you.

ESPAILLAT: Thanks to you.



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