
Brent Bozell on ‘Life Liberty & Levin’: Media’s Lying About Biden’s Brain Exposed

To discuss the aftermath of the disastrous Biden debate on Saturday night’s Life Liberty & Levin, Mark Levin said there was “no better guest: than Media Research Center “head muckety-muck” Brent Bozell.

Levin began by noting CNN and MSNBC and the rest mocked Fox News and the conservative media for “pouncing” on Biden’s feeble performances. Bozell said the media’s lying has been exposed: 

BOZELL: As you saw the debate in progress, you sensed that the left was collapsing in shock at what they were looking at. But where conservatives were concerned, conservatives were just pointing at this and saying, this is what we’ve been saying all about this man. He’s old, he’s feeble, he’s falling apart, and he shouldn’t be president and leader of the free world.

The media are now in a panic because everything they thought about him, everything that we’re saying about him was false.

After discussing the younger, allegedly more charismatic options the Democrats have, from Vice President Kamala Harris to California Gov. Gavin Newsom, Levin turned the attention back to the media and how these corporations “need to clean up their act…from the top down.” 

LEVIN: This is a huge problem. They tried to push this guy through when everybody knew who wasn’t a partisan leftist and a Democrat, that this guy is a danger for America. No?

BOZELL: Yes. I found it striking in the post-debate analysis how many of these Democrats — I was going to say Democrats, but they are — media types. We are talking about the phone calls they’d been receiving during the debate and after the debate from Democratic leaders and Democrats who were saying Biden has got to come off the ticket.

Look, these are Democratic candidates who are spinning against him and they know they’re spinning against him and they reported that spin, so they’re spinning for the future potential Democratic candidates.

After a commercial break, Levin turned to the point that Donald Trump didn’t engage in a week of debate prep, and still came out on top: 

LEVIN: Donald Trump looked 30 years younger than Joe Biden and he was absolutely on his game. And I think that also helped expose Biden, who came up on the stage, was very frail and there was a very strong, confident, you know, president, former president who knew what he wanted to talk about and talked about it pretty easily.

BOZELL: Go back to the first debate in 2020 where Donald Trump was so dismissive of the need to prepare. He said, I am going to do a rally somewhere and he got trounced. In the second debate, he did much better. He probably won on points in that debate. In the debate just concluded, he clobbered Joe Biden, not just because Joe Biden was so terrible, but because he was so good.

He was well-prepared. Kudos, you know, those people who like Donald Trump, give applause to whoever was helping him and coaching him and preparing him because he was all of those things. But I think the best thing was, he was presidential. He didn’t go off message. He stayed on point.

Here is something interesting, Mark. The questions were completely skewed against him. We counted 22 questions, of which eight were neutral, the rest where 11 coming from the perspective of the left, the questions the left wanted to ask, only three came from the perspective of the right; questions the right wanted to ask, and yet, with that four to one disparity against him, he did well.

The questions tilted left, but the moderators are now being attacked for not “fact checking” Trump. 



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