
Debate Disarray: The View Blames CNN, Wants New Candidate, Attacks GOP

President Biden’s debate performance was so abysmal, not even the Cackling Coven of ABC’s The View could ignore or spin what millions of Americans witnessed. During their Friday show, the cast was in disarray as they suggested CNN did something to the President, called for a new Democratic candidate, claimed the Republicans were the ones who needed someone new, and desperately stood by their man in at least one instance.

The most asinine commentary came from moderator Joy Behar near the end of their first segment when she seemed to suggest that the debate host, CNN did something that caused Biden act like a senile dotard. Her proof? Biden attended a watch party with supporters:

There was something about the debate that threw him into the state he was in. Because watch this. While Donald Trump was probably enjoying his celebratory platter of cheeseburgers, President Biden made an appearance at a watch party a little while after the debate and he scarcely resembled the guy from earlier in the evening. This is really unbelievable.

Near the top of the show, pretend-independent co-host Sara Haines admitted the debate was “really hard to watch” and called for Biden “to step down and be replaced” as the Democratic Party candidate. She even seemed to suggest Biden was set up for failure by his own team to force him out with enough time until the convention and election:

And I think Biden’s team saw it coming. I think that’s why they pushed for an earlier debate so they’d have time to change course if needed, but they’ve got to act fast and I would implore those closest with the President to have the very hard conversations they’re going to need to have. And not just for political ramifications, for humanity, for his integrity, and for his legacy, which I mean, that’s all on the line right now.

“And Democrats need to stop spinning the age problem. We have sat here and Alyssa has repeatedly brought up that a lot of people are concerned with his age. And over and over Democrats have twisted themselves into a pretzel to say, ‘don’t believe your lying eyes. It’s not true,’” she decried, while also admitting The View was guilty of the same thing. She did add that she would still vote for Biden.

Faux-conservative co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin followed up by admitting she “was genuinely in shock last night watching this” and that Biden “was stunningly worse than I expected.” She urged Democrats to find a new candidate if they were serious about their claims about former President Trump being a threat to democracy. She also claimed the Trump campaign was scared of that possibility:

But here’s the thing, Biden has been running on Trump being a threat to our democracy, he’s a threat to our values. I agree with him on that; Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy. We need someone who can beat him, so I think — I’ve been told for a long time, put country before — country before party and support Joe Biden. He needs to put country before his own ambition and he needs to step aside and pass the baton. Because I’m telling you right now, Trump world is scared when they’re hearing rumblings there could be someone else on the ticket. They know that any other Democrat will wipe … the floor with Donald Trump.

Up next was staunchly racist and anti-Semitic co-host Sunny Hostin (the descendant of slave owners) conceded “Biden lost that debate,” but lashed out at Republicans and shouted about how they were the party that had replace their candidate, not Democrats (Click “expand”):

HOSTIN: But what I will say this, I think it’s really ironic that we’re the only party talking about needing to replace our nominee. I think it’s really ironic that the party that should be pressuring their candidate to step aside is the Republican Party! (…) Their nominee is a convicted felon, he’s facing hundreds of charges for criminal activity and has been proven to be a racist, a business fraud, liable for sexual abuse, an insurrectionist, and as Biden said he has the morals of an alley cat! Republicans need to be holding him accountable! The majority of the party which has been cowardly and feckless and complicit and enabling in allowing Trump’s racism, bullying, his demogery [sic]

BEHAR: Misogyny.

HOSTIN: Misogyny. Why are we as Democrats, those of us that are Democrats, calling for our nominee to change?!

The other fake conservative, Ana Navarro began by anointing Democrats as superior humans above Republicans. “I’ve always said to you that Republicans and Democrats are cut from a different cloth. Democrats are exquisite, they precious, they’re idealists,” she bellowed.

She then reaffirmed her membership as part of the Biden cult. “Until Joe Biden tells me he’s giving up, I’m not giving up on Joe Biden,” she boasted to applause from the audience. “And so to me the binary choice remains the same. He looked elderly yesterday. He sounded elderly. He is elderly, but the choice is no different. It is a very old man versus a very bad man.”

The transcript is below. Click “expand” to read:

ABC’s The View
June 28, 2024
11:02:24 a.m. Eastern


[Audience cheers]

ANA NAVARRO: Somebody is happy and enthusiastic today!


JOY BEHAR: I think they’re on medication.


SUNNY HOSTIN: Most of us are mourning.

BEHAR: Mourning, yes, but let’s not get too depressed yet because I’m assuming that you are all saw last night the debates, right? President Biden and Donald Trump went head-to-head in their first 2024 presidential debate on CNN. And while Biden raised concerns with a hoarse, occasionally weak delivery Trump lied dozens of times in a nice, clear voice.


11:04:16 a.m. Eastern

BEHAR: What was going on through your head as you watched this last night?

SARA HAINES: It was really hard to watch, and it kind of pains me to say this today, but I think President Biden needs to step down and be replaced.

BEHAR: You do?

HAINES: If we — if we want to defeat Donald Trump in November, I absolutely think that. And I think Biden’s team saw it coming. I think that’s why they pushed for an earlier debate so they’d have time to change course if needed, but they’ve got to act fast and I would implore those closest with the President to have the very hard conversations they’re going to need to have. And not just for political ramifications, for humanity, for his integrity, and for his legacy, which I mean, that’s all on the line right now.

And Democrats need to stop spinning the age problem. We have sat here and Alyssa has repeatedly brought up that a lot of people are concerned with his age. And over and over Democrats have twisted themselves into a pretzel to say, “don’t believe your lying eyes. It’s not true.” And at this table we said, “look, Joy’s 81!”

BEHAR: Must we keep repeating that?


HAINES: Sorry. Joy Behar at 81 is not Joe Biden at 8 and that was on full display last night. But let me be clear, if November comes and President Biden and President Trump are on the ticket, I will 100 percent be voting for President Biden because the alternative to is too scary for me. But I fear that many people in this country do not feel the same way.

ALYSSA FARAH GRIFFIN: So, I was genuinely in shock last night watching this. Even though I’ve had concerns for a couple of years about Biden’s ages, it was stunningly worse than I expected. The performance, I think within the first 90 seconds it was kind of baked in and I think a lot of people tuned out some of the later parts of the debate. I want to be clear, Donald Trump was a mess, he lied his way through it, but Joe Biden’s performance was so bad that it eclipsed everything that Donald Trump said.

BEHAR: Say that again.

HOSTIN: It eclipsed.

FARAH GRIFFIN: It eclipsed the performance of Donald Trump because the distraction was on Biden’s performance.

But here’s the thing, Biden has been running on Trump being a threat to our democracy, he’s a threat to our values. I agree with him on that; Donald Trump is a threat to American democracy. We need someone who can beat him, so I think — I’ve been told for a long time, put country before — country before party and support Joe Biden. He needs to put country before his own ambition and he needs to step aside and pass the baton. Because I’m telling you right now, Trump world is scared when they’re hearing rumblings there could be someone else on the ticket. They know that any other Democrat will wipe —

BEHAR: Is that true?

FARAH GRIFFIN: They will wipe the floor with Donald Trump. Mark my words, if it’s Trump versus Biden, Trump is going to –


BEHAR: We only have 40 days.

FARAH GRIFFIN: Well, to the convention, but we have 130 to the election.

HOSTIN: Look, I think what we saw was Biden lost that debate. I think that is an accurate depiction of what happened. Blame it on a cold, blame it on his stuttering, blame it on over-preparation. Whatever. But he did lose. Maybe he needs to go. Maybe he needs to be honest with himself and the American people. He can bow out at this time with grace and dignity. He has a record he can be proud of.

But what I will say this, I think it’s really ironic that we’re the only party talking about needing to replace our nominee. I think it’s really ironic that the party that should be pressuring their candidate to step aside is the Republican Party! Their nominee –


Their nominee is a convicted felon, he’s facing hundreds of charges for criminal activity and has been proven to be a racist, a business fraud, liable for sexual abuse, an insurrectionist, and as Biden said he has the morals of an alley cat! Republicans need to be holding him accountable! The majority of the party which has been cowardly and feckless and complicit and enabling in allowing Trump’s racism, bullying, his demogery [sic]

BEHAR: Misogyny.

HOSTIN: Misogyny. Why are we as Democrats, those of us that are Democrats, calling for our nominee to change?!



NAVARRO: I’ll tell you — I’ll answer that and I’ve always said to you that Republicans and Democrats are cut from a different cloth.


NAVARRO: Democrats are exquisite, they precious, they’re idealists.

Look, I’ve known Joe Biden and I love Joe Biden and I’ve known Joe Biden for over 20 years. I’ve never seen Joe Biden like I saw him last night. It is worrisome, but to me the binary — Until Joe Biden tells me he’s giving up, I’m not giving up on Joe Biden.

[ Applause]

And so to me the binary choice remains the same. He looked elderly yesterday. He sounded elderly. He is elderly, but the choice is no different. It is a very old man versus a very bad man.

BEHAR: Old also, by the way.

NAVARRO: It is a very — it is a man who speaks with a weak voice but tells me the truth in a weak elderly voice and a man who lies with impunity! He is a machine gun of lies! And he does it with a stronger voice. So, I’m not going to judge Joe Biden on 90 bad minutes. I’m going to judge Joe Biden on his lifetime career of putting this country first, of putting you first, of putting women’s rights first, and I’m going to judge Trump on four debacles of years –



FARAH GRIFFIN: Joe Biden could not get through that debate and convey what either of you just did. I was dying for Biden to do better. He could not articulate a vision, the threat of Trump, get through a policy statement. The stakes are too high in this election. They are foundationally too high to run this man.

BEHAR: There was something about the debate that threw him into the state he was in. Because watch this. While Donald Trump was probably enjoying his celebratory platter of cheeseburgers, President Biden made an appearance at a watch party a little while after the debate and he scarcely resembled the guy from earlier in the evening. This is really unbelievable.




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