
Kelley Paul Provides Inconvenient Reminder for Kasie Hunt After Mic Cut Moment With Trump Spox

It’s always hilarious to me when members of the mainstream media attempt to claim the moral high ground on any given subject under discussion – because usually it doesn’t take long to prove that they are the last people on earth who should be lecturing people on it.


Such was the case on Monday, in the aftermath of the on-air incident where CNN “This Morning” co-host Kasie Hunt abruptly cut Trump spokesperson Karoline Leavitt’s mic when she began talking about the well-documented anti-Trump bias of Hunt’s colleagues, Jake Tapper and Dana Bash, ahead of the Thursday presidential debate, which Tapper and Bash will be moderating.

As we also reported, Hunt fired back against critics on the Twitter/X machine a short time later, declaring without evidence that “You come on my show, you respect my colleagues. Period. I don’t care what side of the aisle you stand on, as my track record clearly shows.”

READ MORE: Spokesperson Karoline Leavitt Gets Mic Cut by CNN for Calling Out Jake Tapper’s Trump Bias
FLASHBACK: Compilation of Jake Tapper Comparing Trump to Hitler

Hunt, as RedState readers will recall, is an alum of MSNBC, where in 2017 she got a big kick out of the troubling story of Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) being violently assaulted by his neighbor.

“New details today on the incident that left Senator Rand Paul with six broken ribs. This might be one of my favorite stories,” she said at the time. “Although, of course, we don’t… clearly, Sen. Paul still struggling.”



Though she later apologized for what she said, the infamous moment has followed her to CNN, which she was reminded of Monday thanks to Sen. Paul’s wife, writer/consultant Kelley Paul.

“.@kasie celebrated actual violence against Rand Paul on air. She described his assault and injuries as her ‘favorite story.'” Kelley Paul wrote.  “Now she hysterically calls legitimate criticism of Jake Tapper ‘an attack.'”

In another tweet, Paul accused Tapper and other CNN Russia collusion hoaxers of inspiring the summer 2017 attack by a deranged supporter of Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) on a Republican baseball practice game that Paul was at and which nearly killed Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA):

Trump’s former acting DNC Ric Grenell also made an important point which, of course, won’t get addressed by CNN:


While Trump did agree with the terms of the debate, there are still important points to be made and questions to be asked in advance of it, and people shouldn’t be afraid to raise them. 

Another point in all of this, specifically for Kasie Hunt, is that the “respect” she talks about that she says should be given to her colleagues is something that needs to be earned, not simply rewarded. 

Just sayin’.

Related–>> ‘Class Act’: Mike Rowe Lauded Over Smooth Handling of CNN Reporter’s ‘Gotcha’ Games



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