
Tom Cotton Defends Trump’s Foreign Policy on CNN: ‘I’ve Noticed That Vladimir Putin Only Invades Ukraine When Democrats Are President’ (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas appeared on CNN with Jake Tapper this weekend and made an astute observation about Russia and Ukraine.

He said that he has noticed that Putin tends to only invade Ukraine when a Democrat is president, noting that Putin did not do this while Trump was president.

Cotton pointed to Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan as one reason for it, saying that Putin sensed weakness in Biden after that.

The Daily Wire reports:

Tom Cotton Defends Trump’s Position On Ukraine: ‘Putin Only Invades Ukraine When Democrats Are President’

Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) defended former President Donald Trump’s position on Ukraine during an interview over the weekend, noting that the country is only invaded when Democrats are in the White House.

Cotton made the remarks during a Sunday interview with Jake Tapper on CNN’s “State of the Union” when asked about comments that Trump made at a rally where he noted that Ukraine seemingly never stops asking the U.S. for assistance in their war against Russia.

“I think it’s important to look at the context of what’s happened in Ukraine over the last 10 years,” Cotton said. “I have noticed that Vladimir Putin only invades Ukraine when Democrats are president. It happened under Barack Obama. It happened under Joe Biden. It didn’t happen with Donald Trump.”

“In fact, the weapons that Ukraine used in the early days of this war to fend off the Russian invasion are the weapons that Donald Trump sent, that Barack Obama and Joe Biden had refused to send,” he continued.

Here’s the video:

The world was a more stable place on Trump’s watch. Democrats and the media claimed Trump would be a disaster, but it is Biden who has caused the world to fall into chaos.



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