
Buttigieg Grilled Over Biden Admin’s Push For Electric Vehicles, Failure To Build Charging Network | The Daily Wire

Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was confronted over the weekend about President Joe Biden’s attempt to push Americans to buy electric vehicles and his administration’s failure to turn billions of dollars in federal investment into a network of charging stations.

Buttigieg faced the questions during a Sunday CBS News interview on “Face The Nation” with host Margaret Brennan when asked about former President Donald Trump hammering Biden over the issue on the campaign trail.

Brennan played a video clip of Trump saying: “Do you notice [Biden]’s trying to save the electrical vehicle but not the gas-powered, which is the vehicle that everybody wants. They’re going crazy with the electric car, costing us a fortune. We’re spending hundreds of billions of dollars subsidizing a car that nobody wants and nobody’s ever gonna buy.”

Brennan responded to the clip of Trump’s remarks by stating: “He’s not wrong.”

Buttigieg insisted that Trump was wrong, to which Brennan responded: “On the purchasing, he’s not. Of the 4 million vehicles purchased, you know what- 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the US market. It’s up like 2%.”

Later in the interview, Brennan pressed Buttigieg about the $7.5 billion investment that taxpayers made back in 2021 for a charging network for electric vehicles that has produced only seven or eight charging stations total, a job that Buttigieg is supposed to be overseeing, Brennan said.


Buttigieg claimed that they were really hard to build and that 500,000 would be built in the next six years after the administration had built less than ten after three years.




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