
Taxpayer-Funded PBS Cites Soros-Funded Org to Bash Election ‘Misinformation’

The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) and a George Soros-funded organization are worried about a supposed lack of election censorship.

A Feb. 10 PBS segment hysterically asked, “Can social media companies safeguard the 2024 election against misinformation?” To emphasize the supposed gravity of an alleged lack of election-interfering censorship, PBS cited the woke, conservative-hating Free Press, which also happens to have received multiple grants from Soros, the leftist billionaire and Democratic megadonor. PBS also brought on former Facebook Director of Public Policy Katie Harbath. She called for government-tech censorship collusion and approvingly described election censorship spending from Communist Chinese government-tied TikTok.

Host John Yang said at the beginning of the segment, “In December, an advocacy group called, ‘Free Press’ said Meta, YouTube and X have rolled back a total of 17 policies intended to protect against hate speech and misinformation. The group also said layoffs at the three companies make it harder to enforce the safeguards that remain.” Yang condemned social media platforms’ concessions to free speech but also cited the Free Press, a demonstrably left-wing advocacy group, to do so. He later whined that Meta and Google allow ads questioning the honesty of the 2020 election.

Blogs on Free Press’s website include such blatantly biased pieces as, “The Media Must Atone for Enabling Trump’s Fascism.” The website of Soros’s Open Society Foundations (OSF) shows four grants awarded to Free Press between 2017 and 2021, for a total of two million dollars.

Free Press wasn’t the only biased source for the segment, though. Harbath complimented platforms that, according to her, are trying to keep elections “safe” from free speech. “Some, such as TikTok have invested a lot into this. In a recent hearing, their CEO [Shou Zi Chew] mentioned they’re going to invest 2 billion into trust and safety,” Harbath stated, before mentioning the billions Meta spent on election interference.

Harbath confessed that Big Tech can “actually end up taking down more legitimate speech than probably what many people would want.” That didn’t prevent her from demanding more investment in Big Tech meddling in elections worldwide. She even urged tech-government collusion, especially in light of artificial intelligence. “But we absolutely need the government, too,” the former Facebook executive asserted.

A Media Research Center poll found in November 2020 that 17 percent of then-presidential candidate Joe Biden’s voters would not have voted for him had they known the scandals censored by Big Tech and the legacy media.

Conservatives are under attack. Contact your representatives and demand that Big Tech be held to account to mirror the First Amendment while providing transparency on AI, clarity on so-called hate speech and an equal footing for conservatives. If you have been censored, contact us using CensorTrack’s contact form, and help us hold Big Tech accountable.



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