
WATCH: Adam Kinzinger Releases Desperate Ads Pleading With Folks in NH Primary to Beat the ‘Orange’ Man

I think we’re getting down to it now in terms of the GOP primaries, and if it wasn’t already obvious where it was going, it’s clear now to most people that the winner is going to be former President Donald Trump. The one remaining challenger is Nikki Haley, and right now, it’s not looking good for her chances in New Hampshire. If she loses, she may drop out before South Carolina rather than lose in her home state. 



BREAKING: DeSantis Suspends Presidential Campaign, Endorses Donald Trump

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But don’t tell Adam Kinzinger all this. He’s still desperately hoping Trump will somehow lose in New Hampshire. He’s even paid money to have his Country First PAC put out an ad against the former president. If there’s anything that can bring Republicans together, it’s in recognizing how worthless Kinzinger is but also how entertaining his whining can be. 

Our friends at our sister site Twitchy found one of his new spots. Let’s watch as he stands in front of a filter that’s supposed to look like New Hampshire and begs people to help defeat the evil orange man. 

He writes: 

There’s a bright future ahead, New Hampshire! It’s time to make history and turn Trump’s orange face red in this GOP primary. Your vote is powerful – it’s our chance to switch channels on 8 years of this dangerous, weak, sniveling Trump show.

Then on the video, he says, “Is there anything that will make you smile bigger than sending Trump to defeat?” That’s him talking about himself. “This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance. Your vote in the primary matters more than ever. Imagine his orange face turning bright red when he realizes he wouldn’t even make it to the general election.” 


This is maximum delusion and the flop sweat is sweet. He’s so anxious and desperate to beat Trump. 

Here’s another one where he claims “MAGA” is somehow trying to take people’s votes away as he tries to appeal to the undeclared to vote in the GOP primary to vote against Trump. 

It’s Democrats trying to “shut people out” from voting for the candidate they want by booting Trump off the ballot. But Kinzinger is all in on that. So much for his defense of democracy. It’s all about a juvenile desire to beat Trump at this point. 

Then there’s this one where he insults Iowa voters, and he thinks that’s going to help against Trump? 

Now, I suspect he made these ads before Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis dropped out. But if this is supposed to be helping Haley, it’s almost a guarantee not to. The last person any Republican wants to have saying vote for them is Adam Kinzinger, which he is now doing by process of elimination. 


Some people had great fun noting the likelihood that there were going to be a lot of tears coming for Kinzinger come Tuesday. 

What’s he going to do if/when Haley backs out and endorses Trump? 

Prepare for the rending of garments coming because the wailing and the gnashing of teeth are likely to be something to see from Kinzinger. 



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